
Результаты поиска потегуEmber the Dragon Lord

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Princess Ember

Решил отдохнуть от рисования и подготовки к сессии и три дня вот просидел над фигуркой три дня. Пластилин как материал не очень хорошо ровняется, так что в будущем планирую сделать из полимерной глины еще кого-нибудь. Перонажа выбрали в беседе художников в ВК
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The Fluttershy Household

A peak at the Shy house and her monthly tea party guests.
Sonata is currently residing with Fluttershy as a reformee-in-the-works.
Dragon Lord Ember regularly visits The School of Friendship as Cinder's guardian.
And Discord just refuses to leave sometimes.
Historically, Dragons and Sirens have never gotten along. Both highly territorial beasts in their own rights, they are sooner to initiate a all-out brawl before they would even consider sitting together for a meal. However, for the sake of the small, kind and generous host, they may find the means to make peace with each other if only for the night. A Draconequus however, will never refuse the chance to watch them struggle over it.
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