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Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под катом,песочница

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под катом,песочница
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1.1 5-1
Y Oh, come on! I thought 'I told you those flattering ai L luring little tricks won't wor
My head's spinning
But he always looked at another person...this tin , will be different...
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:13 ответить ссылка -0.7
Who are you?
How you dare interf...?
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:13 ответить ссылка -0.7
^	Hum,	n
actually I'm not sure how I got here, I just know I arrived in time
wait a minute
Listen girl, the boy is mine, if you know what's good to you, you'll return where you came from. Trust me, I'm not usually this patient with females
Do not test my patience conceited
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:13 ответить ссылка -0.6
I won't let you put a finger on him
Never, you heard me.
I've never been away from him and I never will.
f Patbr Ncn&r, ' ¿jut/C* uvcaek*; icuxctlficctxu' >u>mc#v Tuiutv, ad\cni4it Retffuun TuiL4fV, fiXAt \oUi¥\tu* ClUV, irv cmLct \ et Uvtemv. A
P04W41V no) Oiitfv cotuLa*\uAn da, nobi*
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:13 ответить ссылка -0.6
She has improved so much in such o short time. That little girl must hove been studying the diary day and night.
That girl is already able to use protection prayers
I'll show you are ^ messing around with something ^ you can't control... ^
Well brat, if you want to play to
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:13 ответить ссылка -0.6
Eh? Impossible!
Fool girl did you really believe you could stop me with that ridiculous spiritual v	power?	^
D...don't get any closer...
Hahaha. what ^ happened with that self confidence you had a ->^moment ogo?_________
What the hell?
He He he. I told you not to get closer.
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:14 ответить ссылка -0.6
^ Stupid and native girl, if you really want to see mu real form lyll please you
I gave you the chance to go, you could have gone unharmed, but, noooo....you wanted to play t medium....you played with fire brat and now you'll get burn
Im.Jmpossible. She's breaking free.
Now I see. I re..read
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:14 ответить ссылка -0.6
/’m who fed from, betrayal, people call me "La patasola” (the one legged)
~________ This	appearance	is
my curse...tell me girl, are you satisfied? You've been able to see me vv/th this L shameful I	aspect
r What?
I always wanted to do the cliché saving
\ entry of the
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:14 ответить ссылка -0.6
Nah, it's impossible that such a simple attack like that ^ affects me,..	.
Vero's hits ore not. ^ let's soy, strong. (I’m also ^ used to them) ^
r If you weren't ^ unconscious all the time can I know why didn't you do anything to help me?
What kind of men would I be if I don't take
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:14 ответить ссылка -0.6
I'm tired of you, not even the medium and her aide were that annoying...
» Do you think /’»w playing? You i brats have no idea of what you've gotten into!
Right now I'm goi ng to .ta kt .care ^ of-y.-th?
Son of a ...Mil My arml My arm!
Get away'. VJith that strength you dare calling me a
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:14 ответить ссылка -0.6
I Can’t., do-.it
Well, well,
>u turned back to sexy version eh?
Why ore you so good with her? Is it perhaps she looks attractive now? .
Whot are you talking about?
^A few scconds^^B ago you didn't have any trouble on kicking her and destroying her orm mister
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:15 ответить ссылка -0.7
Stop it!
What on earth are you trying to do?
I told you those tricks don't work on me
You're crazy if youV thmk doing that is going to -■— help you
B...b...ut, what's wrong? Wait!!
The ghost is escaping; hey...I'm telling you that the ^ ghost is escaping!!! ^
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:15 ответить ссылка -0.7
Veronica kept on hitting me during hours. I've never seen her so upset in my entire life...
At the end we got back home empty handed and with an awkward silence ..the only thing I've left is the impression that with all this I'm forgetting something..
I wanted to ask her why she was so upset,
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201314:15 ответить ссылка -0.8
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