Samuel L Dogson

Samuel L Dogson песочница 
Samuel L Dogson,песочница

Samuel L Dogson,песочница
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golod golod 12.03.201322:52 ответить ссылка 1.0
LYVrus LYVrus 12.03.201322:53 ответить ссылка 0.4
так борзее
Зачем такой фотошоп?(
NonGrate NonGrate 12.03.201323:25 ответить ссылка -0.1
Segaman Segaman 13.03.201313:13 ответить ссылка -0.3
Wassup dawg!
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О о fcfI tv,er

One time I saw Samuel L. Jackson at an airport and he saw me and my cousin hovering around trying to gain the courage to ask him for a photo and then he came over to us and said "Y'all motherfuckers want a photo?"
And it was everything.

песочница Сэмюэл Л. Джексон Актеры и Актрисы Знаменитости motherfucker приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского sandbox Actors and actresses celebrities motherfucker pun intended

fcfI tv,er (a>spacedtyler ®thamaijaboy_ One time I saw Samuel L. Jackson at an airport and he saw me and my cousin hovering around trying to gain the courage to ask him for a photo and then he came over to us and said "Y'all motherfuckers want a photo?" And it was everything.
Toul gcnnu.' -Jonathan Lethen., autbor ofAfoAcrku Brvofan, father oí tvro
Go the F#k to Sleep
by Adam Mansbach . ¡Ilustrated by Ricardo Cortés

Go the fuck to sleep Samuel L. Jackson Сэмюэл Л. Джексон Спи уже бля! удалённое

Toul gcnnu.' -Jonathan Lethen., autbor ofAfoAcrku Brvofan, father oí tvro Go the F#k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach . ¡Ilustrated by Ricardo Cortés