Unfamiliar Codex - Trespassers. Unaligned Greater Unfamiliars Enemies of Humanity / Мрачные картинки :: Chivalry Starved :: BasedBinkie :: artist :: art (арт) :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved Комиксы Мрачные картинки art 

Unfamiliar Codex - Trespassers. Unaligned Greater Unfamiliars Enemies of Humanity

T resjmsser
Observation Records
Tardigradus Bethleheim
Trespassers corrupt the space around them, close proximity would make one sick to the bone
Adult Trespasser
The Familiar Lands are no stranger to dangerous creatures, but this one could be considered one of the most dangerous beings to

T resjmsser Observation Records Tardigradus Bethleheim Trespassers corrupt the space around them, close proximity would make one sick to the bone Adult Trespasser The Familiar Lands are no stranger to dangerous creatures, but this one could be considered one of the most dangerous beings to ever exist in this world. Trespassers as the name implies aren’t native to the Familiar Lands, they originate from a realm simply called ‘Unfamiliar Lands’. The Trespasser is considered an Outsider, which refers to everyone and everything unfamiliar. Trespassers are the boogeymen that mothers tell to their children. When something seems off, when the world seems warped, it is the work of a trespasser who have managed to enter the Familiar Lands. Their very corrupts the world. Through dissection, eyes are found inside their bodies, yet they could see like any other creature Trespassers are judged by the amount of limbs they have, they seem to constantly be growing. Ordinarily a trespasser would be rated io menace marks, but it can be as high as if for an Elder Trespasser Combat guide If you notice the air has a peculiar iron scent, and objects start to float and vibrate in the air, that is a sign that an unfamiliar corruption is taking place, this is the trespasser turning our realm into a space that befits it, preparing it for other unfamiliars to invade and inhabit our world. At this point it is wise to gather your comrades since defeating one by your lonesome is a fool’s dream. Trespassers have an impressive physique, their muscles are incredibly dense and concentrated that they can rip a man apart without much effort. If melee combat is unavoidable, then one should try using avalicite weapons to combat these extradimensional beings. Avalicite has been observed to slice through their odd flesh with greater ease. The Inquisition method to defeat these monstrosities is to have a squad of Exalted Knights fight and hold it in place while the mages behind the lines prepare for a magical bombardment, concentrating several destructive spells to obliterate the trespassser Trespasser Heart It is often surprising how the most coveted of ingredients comes from the darkest of sources. The trespasser heart could be considered a panacea, it could heal wounds, regenerate lost limbs, it could even extend someone’s life when consumed. Needless to say these hearts are extremely coveted but illegal to be sold in ordinary markets, they could only be found through black markets for an exorbitant amount of coin. Physical 1 -1 Trespassers have the strength of several ores if they are conjoined into one being. They are able to scale castles and rip walls if they need to. Magical Potency I I ........EZ3—1 The trespasser doesn’t seem inteligent enough to use magics in an effective way, they are simply a primal force of destruction. Danger i....i i n Due to their role of terraforming the world into their own image, they are treated as a blight, and should be destroyed at all cost
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,Мрачные картинки,art,арт
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”* •	up»-* ■	^
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