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BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода 

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1 *KneeU WU y \\r \ Within the Familiar Lands, -few creatures can compete with the strength o-f Demigods, led- alone one that retains their higher thinking abilities- The Jade Empress is one such entitg, a Greed Demigod who wields an iron claw over the Jade Fang Empire. She has barelg been on

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Giolmnm Tsposito Chosen "knight of Greed Giovanni always keeps his word and would never try to deceive or scam someone; thus he regards tricksters and blackmailers as the lowest form of filth and would not hesitate to punish them. Titles: The Wise Knight The Taxlord Don Esposito Bossman

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 The Golden "Rules of "Engagement 7/ Within Great Europa (and a few other countries) a custom of dueling and combat is rather common, it is not usually fought to the death and it is done to solve a dispute or prove a point. This law has been decreed by the Golden Father and the fundamentals

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Crabostabo The world of Familiar Lands is packed with deadly creatures that are classified with varying levels of threat to determine if they are simply dangerous to an individual or a group as a whole. A crown seal is equivalent to a Menace Mark, and it indicates the level of experience a Knight

Терпение из 14 основ

 The Patron to the talentless, Enduring Lord Of the 14 fundamentals “Good things come to those who wait” Patience is the concept of perseverance and the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience teaches mortals how to make the right decisions, and to favor a more favorable result

1 *KneeU WU y \\r \ Within the Familiar Lands, -few creatures can compete with the strength o-f Demigods, led- alone one that retains their higher thinking abilities- The Jade Empress is one such entitg, a Greed Demigod who wields an iron claw over the Jade Fang Empire. She has barelg been on the throne -for a gear! the -former tmperor abdicated once Empress Ua's apparent divinitg became obvious. Despite her lack o-f experience and training in leading a countrg, she appears to have the aptitude -for it, albeit she is no stranger to making a mistake or three. She has collected a great trove o-f magical arti-facts as an Empress, the majoritg o-f which she consumes hersel-f in order to boost her latent magical abilitg. Power cultivation is essential within the Jade Fang Empire, and the Empress must remain at the -fore-front o-f this discipline. However, as a goung and inquisitive spirit, she -finds hersel-f ■frequentlg escaping her obligations and traveling to different countries solelg -for the sake o-f curiositg.
Giolmnm Tsposito Chosen "knight of Greed Giovanni always keeps his word and would never try to deceive or scam someone; thus he regards tricksters and blackmailers as the lowest form of filth and would not hesitate to punish them. Titles: The Wise Knight The Taxlord Don Esposito Bossman Benvenuti in famiglia Welcome to the Family The eldest son in a family of organized crime, he has since taken over the Esposito Family and turned it around into becoming a powerful and legal force, now enforcing tax collection within Great Europa, he along with his Taxation Knights become one of the most feared orders within the Familiar Lands Though he could be considered the weakest combatant within the Chosen’s ranks, he can hold himself quite well thanks to skills taught by the Chosen of Patience, his favored weapon is the cane sword. The ultimate strength of the Chosen knight lies not in himself, but in the relationships he has formed and the people who have chosen to follow him. His power stems from the loyalty and security that others would bring him; he regards them as all of his priceless treasures and a worthy investment. Net worth: 10,000 Mythril Medals In the possession of Giovanni are 10 enchanted rings entrusted by Greed. Giovanni himself could not harness the power individually contained within these rings, but he is able to lend them out to people he deem worthy. The ring may bestow powers such as flight, speed, or increased strength or even the ability to wield magic, but nothing is of course free in the eyes of Greed herself, there will always be a price. Out of a promise with his Mother, he swore to never harm a woman. However, this does not stop him from siccing his henchwoman after them if needed Cha Tck II A fervent supporter of music, he would fund music academies and provide sponsorship for street artists and bards to enable them to flourish. He views it as a long-term investment because he doesn't want to miss out on what might turn out to be a diamond in the rough.
 The Golden "Rules of "Engagement 7/ Within Great Europa (and a few other countries) a custom of dueling and combat is rather common, it is not usually fought to the death and it is done to solve a dispute or prove a point. This law has been decreed by the Golden Father and the fundamentals itself, providing it with sacred value. Lady Flayne La Karrotte Chivalry Starved Knight I, Flayne La Karrotte, challenges thee into a duel based upon the Golden Rules of Engagement, doth thou accept!? I wish to claim one of thine Crown Seals should I prove victorious! Golden Duel Invoked ling! Been awhile since someone actually \e! If I win, I want your cute little spear. Alexandra Athana Chosen Knight of Patience Once a Golden Duel is invoked, one must either accept or refuse (though refusal comes at a cost of dishonor, for it is seen as cowardly for most). Once accepted, the Fundamentals themselves would witness the fight, to ensure the rule is followed. - The defeated must offer the victor a reward, it must be of great value to the defeated one, for invoking a Golden Duel is strictly for important matters - Duels to the death is accepted though uncommon, the reward must be prepared before the start of the duel, for the dead could not provide a suitable reward. - The conditions of the duel may change depending on the duelists, however it is normally expected for the duelists to fight in single combat, without outside intervention. Those who intervene would nullify the invocation of the Golden Duel Ah! My adorable Chosen finally received a challenge! She’s been so patient recently, it would be nice if she gets Once defeated, the loser must provide the reward, for if they try to escape their agreed obligation, they would find themselves cursed by the Fundamentals. Usually this comes in the form of terrible misfortune until they provide what they promised. - In the event that the reward cannot be provided, an alternative must be given, and it must be equal value to what was promised prior, or if the victor finds it acceptable. - A Golden Duel could take place anywhere, it is considered common practice and often becomes a source of entertainment to onlookers - Objects are not the only thing worth value in Golden duels, one may offer service, or even marriage. Often times a Golden Duel is invoked before marriage to see if the bride/groom is worthy of their hand.
Crabostabo The world of Familiar Lands is packed with deadly creatures that are classified with varying levels of threat to determine if they are simply dangerous to an individual or a group as a whole. A crown seal is equivalent to a Menace Mark, and it indicates the level of experience a Knight should have before confronting these terrifying creatures. - A threat only in great numbers, these monsters can be handled by beginners - One can still meet their end if they underestimate their opponent, even a crabostabo can land a good strike - There is no glory in claiming trophies and rewards from a 1 Menace Mark WN Goblin menace Jïlarks 17 1+ Jïlenace marks 3* menace marks - Threats meant for experienced Knights, difficult to defeat with a partner let alone with a single Knight. Could easily kill an unarmored Knight with a few strikes -They either have very high physical strength or extremely cunning for a beast - A trophy or material harvested from a 3+ menace would be good profit, silvers aplenty could be made Lycan Juvenile Dragon 5+ menace marks - Extremely dangerous threats, usually requiring a whole squad of Knights to tackle! They are either magically gifted or possess immense physical prowess - A senior Knight could possibly contend with a 5+ Menace mark, at great difficulty - Usually requires special methods to take down, like Silver of Adamantine arrows - Extremely valuable materials can be harvested from them, worth plenty of gold 10+ menace marks Elder Wendigo - Could potentially end nations if not stopped, the interference of a Chosen Knight is often mandatory to contend against such powerful beings - Could potentially wipe armies by themselves, a documented case has happened when a Demigod of Pride brought the nation of Pruzia to it’s knees, burning it’s people and great buildings into ashes - Often requires the collaboration with other nations to subdue - Usually a mark of this caliber possess such a strong presence that it might be overwhelming to the uninitiated, they would be unable to fight out of primordial, instinctive fear Demigod of Pride 3M»
 The Patron to the talentless, Enduring Lord Of the 14 fundamentals “Good things come to those who wait” Patience is the concept of perseverance and the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience teaches mortals how to make the right decisions, and to favor a more favorable result in the long term. Patience pushes the idea of nurturing one’s skill and worth, like a tree that would only bear fruit after years of tending. Patience plants seeds of hope and dreams to those he finds worthy, to sprouting talents or those who persevere no matter what the world throws at them. Patience favors persistent folks, those who keep trying for a better future, knowing it would be a difficult and taxing path. He particularly holds ^ fondness for those born without talents, sorcery or anything special, just . ri | ordinary folk with big hearts. His followers tend to be labourers, men-at-arms, gardeners, farmers, cheese and winemakers. Divine Form PATIENCE Patience taked the form of a happy go lucky yet extremely clumsy Knight, with a friendly disposition and an infectious laugh. Commonly known as Clover Knight ‘A man who is a master of patience is a master of everything else” Patience is bitter, but wine is better that way’ Patience appears to be a large Knight, though trees have taken over his body, and start to overgrow from him, indicating his patience towards life and growth. Knowing trees one can understand the meaning of patience, knowing grass one can appreciate true persistence” Hasty decisions leads to unfavorable results’ He occasionally shows up in the mortal realm and tests the patience of others with his supposed lack of skill, clumsy behavior that is occasionally destructive. He also travels with mudboys in tow, for they naturally follow their creator. There is no time to change old habits, instead build better ones” Patience unlike most of the other fundamentals would often intervene people by saving those he deem worthy of his attention, Blessings of Patience Patience’s blessing is longevity, Patience does not give amazing powers to his chosen but rather give them all the time they need to hopefully become the best they could ever be. This does not mean his chosen is immortal, nor ageless, but rather they just age far slower. lumanoid form
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,без перевода
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Chivalry Starved BasedBinkie artist без перевода

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