1 \ ж\ Я *"11 UA \\ / л а Л •v^. _ V V ■Л ■ i •TV * 1 ■ I ъ. 2, ■* \У_ > ц 1 / Нейросетевые Барышни :: Арт Барышня (арт девушка, art барышня, art girl) :: KeithGriego :: art (арт)

KeithGriego Нейросетевые Барышни Арт Барышня art 
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[	зк — *		\	L),KeithGriego,Нейросетевые Барышни,Арт Барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт

 1 \ ж\ Я *"11 UA \\ / л а Л •v^. _ V V ■Л ■ i •TV * 1 ■ I ъ. 2, ■* \У_ > ц 1 "кх чм ! V V >1 ттШштш^^^ к 1 [ зк — * \ L)
KeithGriego,Нейросетевые Барышни,Арт Барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт
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< J	Vm
i Now THAT’S club
Well synced and timed video
muh (unrealistic) diveristy
too clustered and
(2 minutes and 34 seconds of it)
little music
Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically
fast cut, generic trailer	inaccurate uniforms	immediately reconginzed as WW1
Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay

Battlefield Игры BATTLEFIELD V,BATTLEFIELD 5 Virgin vs. Chad Battlefield 1

Now THAT’S club Well synced and timed video muh (unrealistic) diveristy too clustered and (2 minutes and 34 seconds of it) little music Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically fast cut, generic trailer inaccurate uniforms immediately reconginzed as WW1 Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay
fun facts about
-	frogs created the universe, and they will end it too.
-	in many countries, it is illegal to possess a frog, because they are superior to us pathetic mortals.
-	there can only ever be 14 frogs in existence at any given time.
-	froggy chair

anon xп Е с р О т ю ы ф й 2 ц г Ш ў 0 Х Ъ Б ж э л N V E подитика подитикa политикa пoлитика пoлитикa политка песочница пoлитики

fun facts about FROGS - frogs created the universe, and they will end it too. - in many countries, it is illegal to possess a frog, because they are superior to us pathetic mortals. - there can only ever be 14 frogs in existence at any given time. - froggy chair ¡funny.ce