Fantasy Race: Trolls and Fae / fantasy art :: troll :: fairy :: artist :: Roojoeus :: Fantasy race :: art (арт)

fairy Fantasy race fantasy art art Roojoeus artist troll 

Fantasy Race: Trolls and Fae

The Rare Primate Races
~|T)e ^entient ,5pecies o fO ominor
By Roojoeus,fairy,Fantasy race,fantasy art,art,арт,Roojoeus,artist,troll
Moun'tain aun nome The Rare Primate Races ~|T)e ^entient ,5pecies o fO ominor By Roojoeus
fairy,Fantasy race,fantasy art,art,арт,Roojoeus,artist,troll
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Kon_Boi Kon_Boi 07.05.202317:50 ответить ссылка 0.0
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чг. \			Л ? *ч	/4 / (a)	Vollonce - a lute with an elongated neck that is often used in religious festivals. It is usually played by plucking frets.
(b)	Lentubes - a brass musical instrument mimicking a tuba in sound
(c)	Lekordon - is an ogre-styled accordion with the attached complimentary tubes enhancing the so

artist Roojoeus fantasy art art,арт Fantasy race ogre без перевода artist Roojoeus fantasy art Fantasy race фэнтези

(a) Vollonce - a lute with an elongated neck that is often used in religious festivals. It is usually played by plucking frets. (b) Lentubes - a brass musical instrument mimicking a tuba in sound (c) Lekordon - is an ogre-styled accordion with the attached complimentary tubes enhancing the so