The Virgin Turkish The Chad Kazakh Thinks mustaches are still revelant Annoying girty sounding T / anon

The Virgin Turkish
The Chad Kazakh
Thinks mustaches are still revelant
Annoying girty sounding Turkic dialect
Speaks broken English
Works at a Doner stand
Offended when someone calls him a roach
Most likely to die in the next crusade
Wears something that doesn’t even originate from his
The Virgin Turkish The Chad Kazakh Thinks mustaches are still revelant Annoying girty sounding Turkic dialect Speaks broken English Works at a Doner stand Offended when someone calls him a roach Most likely to die in the next crusade Wears something that doesn’t even originate from his country Avoids consuming alcohol, prefers coffee or tea due to his religious belief Finds burqa covered girls attractive Lives at an apartment in the overcrowded city Speaks two languages from birth Sees himself as a real Turk, but is actually Greek and Armenian Claims to be a Mongolian descent Wears Nike's just to look cool Champion in wrestling and horse racing Sees the movie "Borat1 beneficial to tourism industry Knows exactly which Juz he originated from Cultural hat Despises Islam, finds Tengrism more meaningful Enjoys drinking Vodka and Kumis in daily occasion Genghis Khan's great great grandson Lives at a comfortable yurt in the outdoor environment Eats any type of meat, including his horse 100% pure Turk Prefers a female with good personality and appearance Enjoys wearing men’s dress shoes
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Комментарии 2 13.05.202121:23 ссылка -2.1
Почему это казах больше турк чем турк, и мне нравятся турецкие усы и вообще бред какой то
anon anon 14.05.202104:52 ответить ссылка 0.0
Вот ты абрек
anon anon 14.05.202107:36 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Flags Mashup Bot
Mixed 11 (Chad) + IB (Virgin Islands), and created this new country called Virgin Chad:
0:46 • 31 Aug 19 • BotFlags волонтёр <рбк
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