200% Duck,Science & Technology,HD,New,JimMcnugget,funny animal memes,jim mcnugget,reddit / anon


200% Duck,Science & Technology,HD,New,JimMcnugget,funny animal memes,jim mcnugget,reddit 50/50,reddit memes,dog barking funny,duck pewdiepie,funny cat memes,funny cats,funny cat,scared cat,duck meme,duck toy,haiku,funny dogs,cat meow,cutest cats ever,funniest cute cats,What is the meaning of life? More videos like this are on my channel so click on them DUCK FACTS #2! 1. Ducks have tremendous fihting skills, they can preform many moves and specialised hits on their victims. 2. Duck in an annogram for: Duck. Utopia. Concede. Potassium. This term has been losly translated from the ancient scribe text written in 64,000 Bc by The first Homosapians on earth! 3. 78 Children died in the year of 08 back when the first Duck Famine hit, many ducks reorted to cannablism, it was truly ducking horrible time. 4. The general consensis is that Ducks are inferior to Humans, but this is not true. In fact recent studies have proven that ducks have accomplished far more tasks than the human race ever will. ie. When the duck species landed on earth during it's creation they saw the very unstable planet, they decided that this was a very promising world, so they populated it with humans, animals and plants to created the world we destroy today :) 5. Do not underestimate the power of Duck. Do not. 6. Humans caught hunting ducks will be hun from the neck until death. 7. Ducks are capable of echolocation an could be as smart if not smarter than humans and/or dolphins. They're not though. 8. Ducks are the leading pioneers in a harminous future and the main contributors to the world health organisation since 2012! (they have been it every year from 1990 to 2404 9. The term ''Duck'' was thought up by Yue Fei and Marcus Cassius Scaeva, when they were drininn toether one day near a pond and saw a strange lookig dog in the pond. ( I left this fact in because I didn't want to writw anything else ) 10. A Duck is the main God of the Caucasian Empire (Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarica & the other ones) formed by Ahmose, son of Ebana of the 17th/18th dynasty, during the French revolution of 1996, this later became knowen as Druckatop, for the Duck King. -EXTENDED- Once Druckatop was formed , along with it's formation came many problems. Wars, Sectarianism, Racism and sodemy. The list did not stop. Soon people began to kill and harm each other over imaginary things and imaginary gods in their heads, there were many gods the humans thought up, the ducks knew better though. They saw that which the humans did not, that these gods, rituals and religions the humans thought up were nothing but excuses to justify their heinous acts and to act as a net, to relieve them of their guilt ridden minds, they saw there was no such thing as these religions, and that humans used them as nothing but a crutch to reasure -, distract, themselves from the horrible life and world in which they live in. MORE DUCK FACTS! Ducks are birds. Ducks are also called ‘Waterfowl’ because they ar e normally found in places where there is water like ponds, strea ms and rivers. Ducks are related to Geese and Swans. Ducks are sometimes confused with several types of unrelated water birds with similar forms, such as loons (an aquatic bird found in many parts of North America and northern Europe) or grebes (freshwater diving birds) and coots (medium-sized water birds which are members of the Rail Bird family). Copied and pasted from some site. An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of an element. Atoms combine to form molecules, which then interact to form solids, gases, or liquids. For example, water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms that have combined to form water molecules. Many biological processes are devoted to breaking down molecules into their component atoms so they can be reassembled into a more useful molecule. jim mcnugget
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