^ rnnjr k r.ïï'lV Give her a Hoover and you the best (and forever after) ; 11 I I § J 'sy/ y. / плакаты :: реклама (рекламные фото приколы ) :: сексизм

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^ rnnjr
k r.ïï'lV
Give her a Hoover and you
the best
(and forever after)
; 11 I I §
J 'sy/ y.
P.S. to hatbands:
She cAtcs .ih«»hi her him»«, iou know, so if you rc.illy c.irc .iboul her . . . wouldn't ii he kwh* lo consider a Hoover for Chrifttmai? Price» sl»r< .H $66.95. Model 29 (kIiowii

Hit her with tangy Tipalet Cherry. Or rich, grape-y Tipalet Burgundy. Or luscious Tipalet Blueberry. It's Wild!
Tipalet. It's new. Different. Delicious in taste and in aroma.
A puff in her direction and she'll follow you, anywhere.
Oh yes... you get smoking satisfaction without inhaling smoke.

If your husband ever finds out
.Chase £ .Sanborn
you’re not “store-testing' for fresher coffee...
... if he discovers you’re still taking chances on gel ting flat, stale coffee ... woe be unto you!
For today there’s a sure and certain way to test for freshness before

Easily—without a knife blade, a bottle opener, or even a husband! All it takes is a dainty grasp, an easy, two-finger twist—and the catsup is ready to pour.
We call this safe-sealing bottle cap the Alcoa HyTop. It is made of pure, food-loving Alcoa Aluminum. It spins off—and back on again—

Shoo illustrated sells for about $35.00—For namo of your noarost dealer, writo: Woyonborg Shoo Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wise. 53201.,сексизм,плакаты,реклама,рекламные фото приколы

^ rnnjr k r.ïï'lV Give her a Hoover and you the best (and forever after) ; 11 I I § J 'sy/ y. P.S. to hatbands: She cAtcs .ih«»hi her him»«, iou know, so if you rc.illy c.irc .iboul her . . . wouldn't ii he kwh* lo consider a Hoover for Chrifttmai? Price» sl»r< .H $66.95. Model 29 (kIiowii here! 595.95. Low down payment; cniy term*. See your Hoover denier now. THE HOOVER COMPANY North Canton, Ohio
Hit her with tangy Tipalet Cherry. Or rich, grape-y Tipalet Burgundy. Or luscious Tipalet Blueberry. It's Wild! Tipalet. It's new. Different. Delicious in taste and in aroma. A puff in her direction and she'll follow you, anywhere. Oh yes... you get smoking satisfaction without inhaling smoke. ¡■■I Smokers of America Hn vnnrcolf a flavnr TIPALET. BBS do yourself a flavor. Make your next cigarette a Tipalet. About 5 for 25< New from Muriel.
If your husband ever finds out r^lSSUMrAOlD^ .Chase £ .Sanborn coffees you’re not “store-testing' for fresher coffee... ... if he discovers you’re still taking chances on gel ting flat, stale coffee ... woe be unto you! For today there’s a sure and certain way to test for freshness before you buy Here’s how easy it is to be sure of fresher coffee Look for the "Dome Top” Can of Cluse & Sanborn. That (inn, rounded top shows it's packed under pressure. fresh from the osen. Just do this: Press your thumbs «gainst the dome top before you buy. If it's firm, it’s fresh. If the top clicks, pressure's gone—take another. It's the one »ay to get the freshest coffee ever packed. No other can lets you testl You can't lest an ordinary flat top can. Some are '•leakers'' that have let air in to «cal freshness. But all ftu top cans look alike. You can't tell which are good and which are stale. Here's the payoffl Sure as you pour a cup. they'll want more! For Chase & Sanborn is a glorious blend of more expensive coffees . . . brought to you frether. No wonder Chase & Sanborn pays a flavor dividend you won't find In any other coffee! PRESSURE PACKED" Chase & Sanborn 103
Easily—without a knife blade, a bottle opener, or even a husband! All it takes is a dainty grasp, an easy, two-finger twist—and the catsup is ready to pour. We call this safe-sealing bottle cap the Alcoa HyTop. It is made of pure, food-loving Alcoa Aluminum. It spins off—and back on again— without muscle power because an exclusive Alcoa process tailors it to each bottle’s threads after it is on the bottle. By vacuum sealing both top and sides, the HyTop gives purity a double guard. You'll recognize the attractive, tractable HyTop when you see it on your grocer’s shelf. It’s long, it’s white, it’s grooved—and it’s on the most famous and flavorful brands. Put the bottle that wears it in your basket... save fumbling, fuming and fingers at opening time with the most cooperative cap in the world—the Alcoa HyTop Closure. Aluminu
with UUGVGNB6RG iTlflSSflGIC Shoo illustrated sells for about $35.00—For namo of your noarost dealer, writo: Woyonborg Shoo Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wise. 53201.
сексизм,плакаты,реклама,рекламные фото приколы
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SINCE 1912
GMO ^fi^<rrky tfov.uk/£50fir>c
' / was high on acid ^ ^¿/ started throwing my poo at people• Mow my friends wont L talk to me 1

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^fi^<rrky tfov.uk/£50fir>c ' / was high on acid ^ ^¿/ started throwing my poo at people• Mow my friends wont L talk to me 1 THROWING YOUR OWN POO IT S NOT A GOOD LOOK.