Notepad++ 7.6.2 Yellow Vest Edition / Notepad++ :: it :: Желтые жилеты

Желтые жилеты Notepad++ it 

Notepad++ 7.6.2 Yellow Vest Edition

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Notepad++ 7.6.2 Yellow Vest Edition
01 Jan 2019 00:15:00
La version française ici
"Our civilization is being sacrificed to the opportunity for a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money."
The above quote by Greta Thunberg at Cop 24, summarizes our current

Notepad++ 7.6.2 Yellow Vest Edition 01 Jan 2019 00:15:00 La version française ici "Our civilization is being sacrificed to the opportunity for a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money." The above quote by Greta Thunberg at Cop 24, summarizes our current situation. In our growing economic crisis, putting a yellow vest on the chameleon doesn't condone violent actions during the movement, but highlights the current worldwide social injustice: 1% of the richest have captured 82% of the wealth. Our government is always at the service of 1% of the richest people. Indignation is all we have.
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