As an Air Force brat, was it hard having to make new friends every three years? Actually, I went t / Ванеса Минайло (Vanessa Minnillo)

Ванеса Минайло auto 
As an Air Force brat, was it hard having to make new friends every three years?
Actually, I went to nine different schools before high school—I moved every year. It definitely made me who I am. someone who can go up to people and say hi.
Yeah, but it must suck after a while, right?
It made me a
As an Air Force brat, was it hard having to make new friends every three years? Actually, I went to nine different schools before high school—I moved every year. It definitely made me who I am. someone who can go up to people and say hi. Yeah, but it must suck after a while, right? It made me a chameleon. I can be this girl who sits around and talks about sports, or I can be this girl who puts on a dress and wins a beauty contest,or this girl who shoots for Moxim, or 'I shoveled my dog's poop for money.' this girt who shovels poop for money. Um...what? My dad paid me to clean up after Lucky, our dog. That sounds like working at TRU So what was it like to grow up in Turkey? It was interesting. There, if you're American you're considered wealthy. If you're blonde you're considered a god, because the gods touched your hair and turned it golden.Oh, and their bathroom is literally a hole in the ground that they squat over. It was eye-opening. Sounds more like nose-opening. Didn't you have to evacuate from Turkey? Yeah, v/e were living there when Desert Storm started.l v/as 10,and I'll never forget—we were in class, and it came over the loudspeaker that everyone had to get on their knees and start praying, because the war had started. Then what? It was a Department of Defense school, so everyone had at least one parent in the service. All our families got numbers,and v/e had to pack everything v/e could into a suitcase. Then v/e sat by the TV to v/ait for our number to be called, and at three in the morning v/e went to the airport. V«'e flew to the U.S. in a cargo plane and sat on the floor, eating our box lunches. What happened when you got here? We ended up on my father's doorstep, and my stepmom opened the door. My mom sakt^Could you take Vanessa for a while until v/e get a house out here?" Then she left me there and never came back. Wow. When did you hear from her again? Like, 10 years later, after I won Miss Teen USA. •nded up fighting—of course, I was a little She said,"You’re just li ke your father,” and That's P>e nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. ’ ther1 v* said goodbye and hung up. What's it tike winning a teenage beauty pageant in front of all those people? I v/as terrified. 'N Sync was performing, it was completely sold out. and 90 percent of the people were there to see them.Tbey were like, "Get out of the way! You're blocking Justin!" What would you have done if you lost? Engineering school.Georgia Tech offered me ►
Ванеса Минайло,Vanessa Minnillo,auto
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Ванеса Минайло,Vanessa Minnillo auto

«*^£££55: Cancer Institute Woman's Cancer Reward) Initiée *t (he Samuel Oschin CwnpreheMfoe Canccr Institut« CedarS'Slnài Medical ••==H£=SSili w, Women's Cancer flesMrei I*"“* a,,heSam»e!0«l*CwreM».»‘ Cancer testilute a< W"1*