Пышная красота curvy :: Пышная красота :: Stefania Ferrario :: разное

Stefania Ferrario Пышная красота curvy #Пышная красота 

—oin jam ^sue with the
ALARM has been
1 |v:	hrrrd	1
- I-■ |?^7 I 4.		
O	& 1 1	
L	1 1,Stefania Ferrario,Пышная красота curvy,Пышная красота,разное

Laundry Information
Please text 0411 214 780 If:
-	Machines are not working or
they are out of order
-	Laundry needs cleaning
-	Soap machine is out of stock
-There is a coin jam
-	There is an issue with the
change machine
ho ovont of an EMERGENCY or If ALARM has boon

jndry Informati
Please text 0411 214 780 If: Machines are not working or they aro out of order
-	Laundry needs cleaning Soap machine Is out of stock
- There is a coin jam
-	There Is an Issue with the
change machine
In Iho ovonl of an EMERGENCY or If ALARM lino boon nctivatod

•inn? ERY WHEN WET! —oin jam ^sue with the CHANGE ALARM has been other 1 |v: hrrrd 1 - I-■ |?^7 I 4. O & 1 1 L 1 1
ERY WHEN WET Laundry Information Please text 0411 214 780 If: - Machines are not working or they are out of order - Laundry needs cleaning - Soap machine is out of stock -There is a coin jam - There is an issue with the change machine CHANGE ho ovont of an EMERGENCY or If ALARM has boon B Immediately. :WS or any other e to tho machines, one by one. m. ilease text: right to remove clothing ass
ERY WHEN WE jndry Informati Please text 0411 214 780 If: Machines are not working or they aro out of order - Laundry needs cleaning Soap machine Is out of stock - There is a coin jam - There Is an Issue with the change machine In Iho ovonl of an EMERGENCY or If ALARM lino boon nctivatod plonso call 0411 214 7(10 Immodlntoly. Ploooo chock your pockots for SCREWS or any olhor forolgn body which mny cnuoo dnmngo to Iho mnchlnoa. Ploooo Inoort coins slowly and ono by ono, this will avoid a coin Jam. , In the evont of a coin Jam ploaso toxt: 0411 214 780 . .wnro walling customors hnvo Iho right lo romovo clothing • < a mochlno onco Iho cyclo has boon complotod. ry lockor accopls no responsibility for damngo to q , » a rosult of forolgn bodlos In tho washors or dryors. , . so do not loavo washors or dryors unattondod V whon your cyclo Is on. chock machlnos prior to loading your bolonglngs. you for washing with us and wo hopo you hovo a . ant oxporlonco with us horo at tho laundry lockor. Monapomont
Stefania Ferrario,Пышная красота curvy,Пышная красота,разное
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