Enterprise NX-01 / Star Trek :: Andrew Gavrilov :: Сериалы

Star Trek Сериалы Andrew Gavrilov 

Enterprise NX-01

Star Trek,Сериалы,Andrew Gavrilov

Star Trek,Сериалы,Andrew Gavrilov
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А почему "Гаврилов"? Разве он озвучивал "Энтерпрайз"?
pda0 pda0 13.10.201700:25 ответить ссылка 0.0
Если бы это был тот "Гаврилов", то написал бы по русски, а так это ник художника.
О, как. Я и не подумал. Или у нас хорошее совпадение или человек от скромности не умрёт. :)
pda0 pda0 13.10.201701:18 ответить ссылка 0.0
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^ raptorific
Also the Enterprise vs. Millennium Falcon debate has never ceased to confuse me, like, you're basically wondering who'd win in a fight between a fully staffed US Navy research vessel armed with harpoons and torpedos and all sorts of other boat vessels OR your weedman and his sweet vi

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^ raptorific Also the Enterprise vs. Millennium Falcon debate has never ceased to confuse me, like, you're basically wondering who'd win in a fight between a fully staffed US Navy research vessel armed with harpoons and torpedos and all sorts of other boat vessels OR your weedman and his sweet vi
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