Утро ебаное. / anon


Утро ебаное.

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Комментарии 4 31.05.201707:48 ссылка -5.0
ты не женя
anon anon 31.05.201718:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
anon anon 01.06.201708:36 ответить ссылка 0.0
там тоже нет жени
anon anon 01.06.201711:05 ответить ссылка 0.0
adjective: right; comparative adjective: righter; superlative adjective: rightest
morally good, justified, or acceptable.
"I hope we're doing the right thing"
synonyms: just, fair, equitable, good, upright, righteous, virtuous, proper, moral, morally justified, ethical, honourable, honest, principled; More
antonyms: wrong, unjust
true or correct as a fact.
"I'm not sure I know the right answer"
synonyms: correct, accurate, without error, unerring, exact, precise; More
antonyms: wrong, inaccurate
correct in one's opinion or judgement.
"she was right about Tom having no money"
synonyms: correct, accurate, without error, unerring, exact, precise; More
antonyms: wrong, inaccurate
according to what is correct for a particular situation.
"is this the right way to the cottage?"
best or most appropriate for a particular situation.
"he was clearly the right man for the job"
synonyms: suitable, appropriate, acceptable, fitting, fit, correct, proper, desirable, preferable, ideal; More
antonyms: wrong, unsuitable, inopportune
socially fashionable or important.
"he was seen at all the right places"
in a satisfactory, sound, or normal state or condition.
"that sausage doesn't smell right"
synonyms: healthy, in good health, fine, hale, in good shape, in trim, in good trim, well, fit, fighting fit, normal, sound, up to par; More
antonyms: wrong, unhealthy
on, towards, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing which is to the east when the person or thing is facing north.
"my right elbow"
synonyms: right-hand, dextral, at three o'clock; More
antonyms: left, port, sinister
complete; absolute (used for emphasis).
"I felt a right idiot"
synonyms: absolute, complete, total, real, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, downright, perfect, utter, sheer, consummate, unmitigated, unqualified, veritable, in every respect, unalloyed; More
relating to a person or group favouring conservative views.
"are you politically right, left, or centre?"
adverb: right
to the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis).
"the car spun right off the track"
synonyms: completely, fully, entirely, totally, wholly, absolutely, altogether, utterly, thoroughly, quite; More
exactly; directly (used to emphasize the precise location or time of something).
"Harriet was standing right behind her"
synonyms: exactly, precisely, directly, immediately, just, squarely, square, dead; More
without delaying or hesitating; immediately.
"I'll be right back"
synonyms: straight, immediately, instantly, at once, straight away, right away, now, right now, this/that (very) minute, this/that instant, in/like a flash, directly, on the spot, forthwith, without further/more ado, promptly, quickly, without delay, then and there, there and then, here and now, a.s.a.p., as soon as possible, as quickly as possible, with all speed; More
antonyms: sometime, later, not now
"it's right spooky in there!"
"he had guessed right"
synonyms: correctly, accurately, properly, exactly, precisely, aright, rightly, perfectly, unerringly, faultlessly, truly
"I think I heard right"
antonyms: wrong, imperfectly
in the required or necessary way; satisfactorily.
"nothing's going right for me this season"
synonyms: justly, fairly, equitably, impartially, well, properly, morally, ethically, honourably, honestly, lawfully, legally More
antonyms: unjustly, badly, for the worse
on or to the right side.
"turn right off the B1269"
noun: right; plural noun: rights; noun: the right; noun: Right; noun: the Right
that which is morally correct, just, or honourable.
"she doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong"
synonyms: goodness, rightness, righteousness, virtue, virtuousness, integrity, rectitude, uprightness, principle, propriety, morality, truth, truthfulness, honesty, honour, honourableness, justice, justness, fairness, equity, equitableness, impartiality; More
antonyms: wrong
a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something.
"she had every right to be angry"
synonyms: entitlement, prerogative, privilege, advantage, due, birthright, liberty, authority, authorization, power, licence, permission, dispensation, leave, consent, warrant, charter, franchise, sanction, exemption, immunity, indemnity; More
the authority to perform, publish, film, or televise a particular work, event, etc.
"they sold the paperback rights"
the right-hand part, side, or direction.
"take the first turning on the right"
(in football or a similar sport) the right-hand half of the field when facing the opponent's goal.
"they made a neat series of passes over on the right"
the right wing of an army.
"the allies succeeded in overrunning the French right"
a right turn.
"he made a right in Dorchester Avenue"
a road or entrance on the right.
"take the first right over the stream"
a person's right fist, especially a boxer's.
"he ducked down low then brought up his right"
a blow given with the right fist.
"the young copper swung a terrific right"
a group or party favouring conservative views and supporting capitalist principles.
"the Right got in at the election"
verb: right; 3rd person present: rights; past tense: righted; past participle: righted; gerund or present participle: righting
restore to a normal or upright position.
"we righted the capsized dinghy"
synonyms: turn the right way up again, turn back over, set upright again, stand upright again
"you must be able to right a capsized dinghy"
antonyms: invert, capsize
restore to a normal or correct state.
"righting the economy demanded major cuts in defence spending"
synonyms: remedy, put right, set right, put to rights, set to rights, rectify, retrieve, solve, fix, resolve, sort out, put in order; More
antonyms: worsen
redress or rectify (a wrong or mistaken action).
"she was determined to right the wrongs done to her father"
synonyms: rectify, correct, put right, set right, make right, sort out, deal with, remedy, repair, fix, cure, resolve, settle, square, make amends for; More
make reparation to (someone) for a wrong done to them.
"we'll see you righted"
exclamation: right
used to indicate agreement or to acknowledge a statement or order.
"‘Barry's here.’ ‘Oh, right’"
used at the end of a statement to invite agreement, approval, or confirmation.
"you went to see Angie on Monday, right?"
used as a filler in speech or to introduce an utterance or exhortation.
"right, let's have a drink"

Old English riht (adjective and noun), rihtan (verb), rihte (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to Latin rectus ‘ruled’, from an Indo-European root denoting movement in a straight line.
anon anon 02.06.201707:35 ответить ссылка 0.0
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