X ■ Video Entertainment Analysis Group f-гЯН Yosterday «* Congratulations to Ubison for paving t / Ubisoft :: скатился

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■ Video Entertainment Analysis Group
f-гЯН Yosterday «*
Congratulations to Ubison for paving the way for game development studios to hire based on gender! The best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one • Josh
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X ■ Video Entertainment Analysis Group f-гЯН Yosterday «* Congratulations to Ubison for paving the way for game development studios to hire based on gender! The best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one • Josh Like Comment Share £ 401 people like this Top Comments - 755 shares Video Entertainment Analysis Group Hey guys. We've gotten a lot of death threats over this photo, and some people are asking if this i$ "satiricaf or not Let me ask you something Is equality "satirical?" Oo you think this is a subject that a proper news organization founded in inteilectuahsm would just swing about like a phalfe Louis CK comedy bit? Equality has never been a joke, and our support for Ubisoft stands strong in the face of this adversity, just as all the women they hired had to be strong m the face of a five minute interview that landed them a job some red Wooded beast of a male spent years trying to get Grow up Leam up. - Josh Like Reply £268 12 hrs »♦ View previous replies Video Entertainment Analysis Group ---find—the—answer?— www.veag.us Video... VEAG.US Write a comment... a
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Какое то женское общежитие... =)))))
stun86 stun86 23.09.201611:11 ответить ссылка 0.0
Какое-то* Там,вроде, в самом конце мужик.
Gaynulin Gaynulin 24.09.201619:54 ответить ссылка -0.3
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