латекс (latex) :: latex :: ero sandbox :: stoya :: грудь (сиськи) :: песочница эротики :: stoya (Джессика Стоядинович) :: breasts :: photoset :: Porn Model :: сиськи (сисечки, сисяндры, сиське, сиски, tits) :: статья из журнала :: фотосет :: erotic :: Эротика (красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню)

stoya песочница эротики Эротика латекс фотосет статья из журнала грудь сиськи 

LIFE BEGIXS HERE,stoya,Джессика Стоядинович,песочница эротики,Эротика,красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню,латекс,latex,фотосет,статья из журнала,грудь,сиськи,сиськи,сисечки, сисяндры, сиське, сиски, tits,stoya,Porn Model,ero

TELL M E,stoya,Джессика Стоядинович,песочница эротики,Эротика,красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню,латекс,latex,фотосет,статья из журнала,грудь,сиськи,сиськи,сисечки, сисяндры, сиське, сиски, tits,stoya,Porn Model,ero sandbox,erotic,latex,photoset,breasts

trefici 2 ктозсц 2auwa2aja г62лк* miedzy seen*. w ktore) wszyscy obeou na plain* < ho» si* zp sob* kcchac, a tak*. gdzie tylko udai*.
DU muie sceny scV.su to nie gnt aktorska. tylko сЦгеЫе. wraz 2 Rotbym D i Joone'em, aby dana scena zton*la

stoya,Джессика Стоядинович,песочница эротики,Эротика,красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню,латекс,latex,фотосет,статья из журнала,грудь,сиськи,сиськи,сисечки, сисяндры, сиське, сиски, tits,stoya,Porn Model,ero sandbox,erotic,latex,photoset,breasts

at my tumblr (8toya.tumblr.com) which is much more frequently updated than my old blog on xcritk. Гте been taking imptov classes when my schedule allows. I do aerial acrobatics (lyra/hoop and silks/cissu) with an aim to put something together as far as an act eventually, and I've had some very

trefici 2 ктозсц 2auwa2aja г62лк* miedzy seen*. w ktore) wszyscy obeou na plain* < ho» si* zp sob* kcchac, a tak*. gdzie tylko udai*. ТАК. 2APBWNIAM CIQ. 2B RoZNiCA JEST ZAUWAZAI.NA. DU muie sceny scV.su to nie gnt aktorska. tylko сЦгеЫе. wraz 2 Rotbym D i Joone'em, aby dana scena zton*la seksem1 aby kamera to uchwycila ByC mo2* Stanislawski doce-nilb>' wymagany autentyzm РАМЦТЛМ SWIETNA SCENE 2 TOBA I DANA DEARMOND. MAM J02 ZATEM SWOJ ULUBIONY DUET. A TV? Z KtM LUBISZ PRACOWAC? Jako pracownik kontraktowy. t2adko wyste-рик z tymi samymi aktorkami cz*Sci*j m2 ia2. chyba 2e i one «4 2atiudnione рггег Digital Playground W citgu roku gram w nle-wielu scenach. wi*c aby zapewniC roznocod-noic, wszystkie uzdolnionc aktorki. z kto-rytni pracujc. 54 tak гбгпс, jak to tylko rn©2liwe. Wole offjauayi sic do petty z tynu samymi aktoiami. jak James Deen. Erik Everhard czy Manuel Ferrara Wszyscy om to profesjoruliSci i iwietni wspCdpracownicy. Zajizy) na strone mojego ostatmego proyektu dU Digital Playground, zatytulowanego Top Guns - topgunsxxx.com, to si* рггекопаят DZIEKI. SPRAWDZE. JESTES JEDNA Z NIKWIELU DZIEWCZVN w branZy. kvori; sa nib tylko zmvsiowe. ALB I UROCZE, MASZ PRZEPIEKNY USMIECH. J ESTES UROCZA NAWETCDY ZABUASZ PLlttZO-WECO MISIA CMY$U>OSCENIt SIWA KILLS THt BEAR). PLANUJBSZ TO JAKOS WYKORZYSTAC? CRAC W П1Л1АСН IК NYC H N1Z PORNOCRAFICZNE Dzi«kuj* za kanpiement. Nie do коЛса гоги-miem со nusz na my£i. pytaj^c о moje plany w zwiqzku z tym, 2e mam pi*kny uimtech. Mo2e powtnrvam go cpokowaC i spraedawaC jak jaki«rd2 сгу пи scar*’ (Meeh) NIE DO KONCA TO MIALEM NA MYSLI, ALE BRZMI CIEKAWIE DZIEKI. STOYA. DO ZOBA CZENIA NA EKRAN1E! Dzieki TAKE ME

at my tumblr (8toya.tumblr.com) which is much more frequently updated than my old blog on xcritk. Гте been taking imptov classes when my schedule allows. I do aerial acrobatics (lyra/hoop and silks/cissu) with an aim to put something together as far as an act eventually, and I've had some very interesting shoots with fashion photographers like Dusan Reljin and Steven Klein in the past few months. As far as surprises ... it wouldn't be surprising if 1 tetd you about things Гт planning or working on now. would it? YOU MENTIONED WORKING WITH FASHION PHOTOGRAPHERS - DO YOU STILL DESIGN YOUR OWN CLOTHES? WHO ARE YOUR FAVOURITE DESIGNERS? I do construct a lot of my clothing I also think it Is more productive to stay focused on my current career as a performer since there is an inevitable . ) expiration date and I maximize this ' I time before moving on to a different career. When 1 move on to something else. ID let you guys know, Well. П1 either let you know what I'm up to or ГП let you know that it's none of your business. As for designers l admire and enjoy wearing. Гт partial to Vivienne Westwood. Alexander McQueen (sadly departed), and Dior's SO's New Lode stuff. Also. Agent Provocateur. EVE R YONE KNOWS THAT YOU'RE A IMG PAN OP SCIENCE FICTION. HAVE YOU READ ANYTHING OF STANtSLAW LEM. THE GREAT POLISH SCI-П WRITER. MANY TIMES TRANSLATED INTO BNC-I.ISH. THE AUTHOR OF SOLARIS} I have not. and 1 would love it if you sent a copy for me to read. huge fan of Terry Pratch-krld series. Not only is It entertaining, he also uses the Ь». kdrop of a fictional world to comment ly's society and events that were cur-'during the publication of each book, universal critique of politics and morality in science fiction is one of die reasons that l really love the genre. The last time I was in Seattle 1 had the opportunity i to visit the Science Fiction museum L there. They have a fascinating exhibit showing the correlation between trending utopian/dystopian themes in SciFi and times of real world war and peace. Tve actually been reading a lot of straight fiction and literature lately; Supervert's Extraterrestrial Sex Fetish. Philip Roth. Chad Kultgen's Men. Women. & Children (one of the lead characters in the novel has-a minor obsession with me... I feel so relevant- It's especially exciting because I was a huge fan of his previous novels). Also, I'm always finding new books like. Hie Mating Mind' and 'Sex at Dawn', which are non-fiction but very relevant to my profession and the topics I sometimes find myself discussing m interviews. BACK TO YOUR BLOG. 1 REMEMBER WHEN YOU POSTED A PHOTO OF A DEAD BIRD THAT YOU’D FOUND ON SOME FIRE STAIRS. PROBABLY ТШП NOT WHAT PEOPLE EXPECT ON A PORN STAR'S BLOG. I'm more than happy to explain the entire story Early л my career I had agreed townte blogs occasionally for free for that website, and there was no discussion of expected frequency. 1 was under pressure from them for a new submission and I didn't have time to write something nice about pom or vaginas or whatever, and they kept responding with. "Just write about whatever is going on. Just be yourself I had dead bud fetuses on my fire escape, and that was what was going on. so that's what they got. SO DO YOU LIKE PROlH||^^PEIUIAPS YOU ARE JUST TIRED OP сЛуШМTING T> TURBATE WHILE READING* Let me tell you something abool tutbating to what I write. They J ____ what I wnte. The)- aren't masturbatu i- to towards, however torrid what I've written n be. If that material is all they're looking foJ! they scan right past the words until they find a suitable picture. That means my dirty pic -
stoya,Джессика Стоядинович,песочница эротики,Эротика,красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню,латекс,latex,фотосет,статья из журнала,грудь,сиськи,сиськи,сисечки, сисяндры, сиське, сиски, tits,stoya,Porn Model,ero sandbox,erotic,latex,photoset,breasts
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