Хреново смотришь, если не правильно написал название АУ
Всё нормально, чтобы не сильно париться, лучше в данном случае обе AUшки прописывать. т.к. эта AU и так, и так называется.
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Excuse me I'm ms1sharklee who drew this and posted this but i didn't know you posted my art and also I didn't permit this.
So Please delete this or add who draw this and make link to my blog https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ms1sharklee
So Please delete this or add who draw this and make link to my blog https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ms1sharklee
All what we can do now: ms1sharklee (Author)
P.S> Also we know most of this arts created by users of other resources, like deviantart or tumblr. And no one in our fandom pretends to authorship.
P.S> Also we know most of this arts created by users of other resources, like deviantart or tumblr. And no one in our fandom pretends to authorship.
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