gabe newell :: тыква

тыква gabe newell 
тыква,gabe newell

тыква,gabe newell
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Halera93 Halera93 31.10.201514:03 ответить ссылка 3.8
Кто-нибудь уже нашел отсылку на half-life 3?
jkamilz jkamilz 31.10.201519:53 ответить ссылка 0.0
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		■г U.
		г» : Anonymous
01/24/24(Wed)18:23:32 No.664830897
gabe.jpg 347 KB JPG
>does nothing
competition just keeps shooting themselves in the foot What is this business strategy called?
! Anonymous	01/24/24(Wed)18:26:07 No.664831041
1691483298906417.jpg 404 KB JPG
»664831102 # »664832886 # »664835348 #

без перевода Гейб Ньюэлл тредшот

: Anonymous 01/24/24(Wed)18:23:32 No.664830897 gabe.jpg 347 KB JPG >does nothing competition just keeps shooting themselves in the foot What is this business strategy called? ! Anonymous 01/24/24(Wed)18:26:07 No.664831041 1691483298906417.jpg 404 KB JPG »664831102 # »664832886 # »664835348 #
PC Gamer UK, December 2003 (PCG129)
Valve and their head honcho Gabe Newell shot to fame in issue 63 of PC GAMER, with the unsurpassed 96% score awarded by our now editor, Mark Donald. Obviously the storm had broken at that point, and had a huge effect on our deca

Gaben Valve gabe newell

PC Gamer UK, December 2003 (PCG129) NTERVIEW ■! GABE NEWELL Valve Valve and their head honcho Gabe Newell shot to fame in issue 63 of PC GAMER, with the unsurpassed 96% score awarded by our now editor, Mark Donald. Obviously the storm had broken at that point, and had a huge effect on our deca