Запланированные проекты Nasa / NASA :: космос

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Запланированные проекты Nasa

NASAs planned missions through 2030
LADEE (Sept. 2013)
Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer
This.160iday-long robotic mission will orbit thembon, gathering information on the I ~Y\'m	•	lunar	atmosphere	to	will	help	scientists
1 YVç^	better	understand	other	planets.
NASAs planned missions through 2030 THE NEXT CHÄPTER LADEE (Sept. 2013) Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer This.160iday-long robotic mission will orbit thembon, gathering information on the I ~Y\'m • lunar atmosphere to will help scientists 1 YVç^ better understand other planets. — MAVEN (late 2013) Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission Mars may not have always been dry and du.sty.MAVEN will shed light on the planet's past climate by exploring its upper atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun and solar wind. Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (2014) Using four identical spacecraft, variably spaced in Earth orbit, this mission will investigate how the Sun’s and Earth’s / \ magnetic fields connect and disconnect. ' New Horizons (2015) IThe spacecraft launched in 2006, \ embarking on a decade-long journey to \ mysterious Pluto more than 3 billion miles \ away. It will make its dramatic flight past \ the icy planet and its moons in July 2015. \ —r Juno (fate 2016) Traveling at a velocity of 19 miles per second, Juno is in hot pursuit of Jupiter to study its structure and unveil its history. Juno is set to reach the giant planet in 2016. InSight (2016) This discovery mission will place a lander on Mars to look deep into the planet’s interior. By drilling underneath its soil, scientists hope to better understand Mars’ evolution as a rocky planet. TESS (2017) x Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite n. Using telescopes, TESS will search for transiting exoplanets ranging from Earth-sized to gas giants. Its ultimate goal Mk is to identify terrestrial planets in habitable ¿My zones of nearby stars. W Solar Probe Plus (2018) This extraordinary and historic mission will explore what is arguably the last region of the solar system to be visited by>, spacecraft: the sun’s outer atmosphere. James Webb Telescope (2018) The next-generation successor to Hubble will find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe, connecting the Big Bang to our own Milky Way galaxy. our own Milky Way galaxy. )1Я) OSIRIS-Rex (2018) Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer After traveling 3 years, thespbcecraft will approach a 1,900-foot primitive asteroid n approach a 1,900-foot primitive asteroid named “1999 RQ36.” It will use a robotic arm to pluck samples for return to Earth in 2023. Mars Rover#?02Q) NASA’s next rover will look for signs of past life, collect samples for possible return to Earth and test technology for future human exploration. Manned Mission to an Asteroid (2025) \ In 2010, President Obama announced plans \ for sending humans to an asteroid. Using data from OSIRIS-Rex, NASA hopes to enable astronaut missions as early as 2021. Manned Mission to Mars (2030) Ten years after NASA lands its 2020 rover, the agency hopes to send humans to Mars. President Obama, in 2013, committed to getting an astronaut to the Red Planet “in the 2030s." Cashable
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Planetary Protection Officer
Open & closing dates	Salary	Thisjobisopento
O 2017-07-13 to 2017-08-14	$124,406 to $187,000 / per yea

NASA космос

Create an account to get started — build your profile, create or upload resumes and apply for jobs. Planetary Protection Officer NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Headquarters. NASA Open & closing dates Salary Thisjobisopento O 2017-07-13 to 2017-08-14 $124,406 to $187,000 / per yea