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кривовато. но за героя плюс.
Samaer Samaer 16.09.201300:49 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Which movie is easier to watch?
W Kazol Zaman
vw "To watch Oppenheimer you need to
understand geopolitics, modern physics, astronomy, need to have IELTS score minimum 8.5, gpa 3.9+.
And to watch barbie you just need a girl to go with. So watching Oppenheimer is much easier."

Барби (фильм) Оппенгеймер (фильм) без перевода Barbie (movie) Oppenheimer (movie)

Which movie is easier to watch? W Kazol Zaman vw "To watch Oppenheimer you need to understand geopolitics, modern physics, astronomy, need to have IELTS score minimum 8.5, gpa 3.9+. And to watch barbie you just need a girl to go with. So watching Oppenheimer is much easier."
Actors and their stuntmen R: 6/1: 2
>Do you remember when you accidentally bumped into someone while rounding a corner when you were 14? >ln five seconds, your head will explode

Пила (фильм) Фильмы 4chan тредшот без перевода movies Saw (movie) movies 4chan threadshot

R: 6/1: 2 >Do you remember when you accidentally bumped into someone while rounding a corner when you were 14? >ln five seconds, your head will explode