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Zloobyy Zloobyy 09.06.201321:45 ответить ссылка 0.0
яко баринъ
thyl thyl 09.06.201322:41 ответить ссылка 0.4
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A two-year-old's solution to the trolley problem,Education,moral psychology,philosophy,moral dilemma,trolley problem,I'm teaching a moral psychology class this semester, and we spent part of the first day discussing the trolley problem, which is a frequently used ethical dilemma in discussions of
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Проблема детства № 1 Кто пойдет за мячом улетевшим за забор
A Drum Beatin',Comedy,,This is how Brad keeps his skills up...

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A Drum Beatin',Comedy,,This is how Brad keeps his skills up... For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom