[Soccer] Chocobo Pyro's,Music,,Your turn Torjuz. Btw all you subscribers, donate a Hat to me in / Team Fortress 2 :: музыка :: наркомания :: видео (video)

песочница Team Fortress 2 наркомания видео музыка 

[Soccer] Chocobo Pyro's,Music,,Your turn Torjuz. Btw all you subscribers, donate a Hat to me in TF2 because I said so and you feel like giving away your most favored Vintage Hat to me :3 ROUND 2 Sound wise not so much work Visually, well I used Gmod and Source SDK, I had the most fun making the visuals indeed. MP3 Download for those in need: http://www.mediafire.com/?a11vp0r2w71p2zm
песочница,Team Fortress 2,наркомания,видео,video,музыка
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н и чт эт з хнь?
perenc perenc 19.02.201301:29 ответить ссылка 0.0
Эт мзка чвк.
аш приятно видеть =3
Annor Annor 16.05.201319:34 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Certified engineer moment,Gaming,, Wednesday Troubles NightMen,Music,,It's pretty much a Remix of a Remix

So finally here it is the Entry for Omniputance Touhou Collab.
(remember it's a collab not a competition)

The song is a Remix of Wriggle Nightbug's Theme and Ageha by Ryu
Called Nightbug, which can be found in this video uploaded by Anonymide:

песочница Team Fortress 2 наркомания видео,video Игры музыка

NightMen,Music,,It's pretty much a Remix of a Remix So finally here it is the Entry for Omniputance Touhou Collab. (remember it's a collab not a competition) The song is a Remix of Wriggle Nightbug's Theme and Ageha by Ryu Called Nightbug, which can be found in this video uploaded by Anonymide:
Medical Bonk [SFM],Comedy,,Since the great acid trip of 1949, members from the Gentlemen Who Wear Top Hats ordered a bill that forbid Bonk from being sold with more than 40% Cocainum inside. The effects of 100% Cocainum are still not fully understood...

Music Used: Various extracts from Sam & Max

Team Fortress 2 видео,video наркомания кокаинум песочница

Medical Bonk [SFM],Comedy,,Since the great acid trip of 1949, members from the Gentlemen Who Wear Top Hats ordered a bill that forbid Bonk from being sold with more than 40% Cocainum inside. The effects of 100% Cocainum are still not fully understood... Music Used: Various extracts from Sam & Max