I am going to end this, You can't. He must stand trial Anakin, we attempted to arrest him and pu / Энакин :: SW Персонажи :: SW Other :: Звездные Войны (Star Wars) :: фэндомы

SW Other Энакин SW Персонажи ...Звездные Войны фэндомы 

I am going to end this,
You can't. He must stand trial
Anakin, we attempted to arrest him and put him on trial when we first arrived, but he attacked us and killed two other Jedi Masters.
Oh wow. I didn't know that. Well if he cannot be put in custody, then it is clear that your judgment is

I am going to end this, You can't. He must stand trial Anakin, we attempted to arrest him and put him on trial when we first arrived, but he attacked us and killed two other Jedi Masters. Oh wow. I didn't know that. Well if he cannot be put in custody, then it is clear that your judgment is correct, Master Windu. He obviously must be executed right now. Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS
SW Other,Звездные Войны,Star Wars,фэндомы,Энакин,SW Персонажи
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Моя есть Винду. Моя не думать, моя шашка махать. Думать маленький зеленый.
И в итоге аут оф зэ винду
Его вынудили угрозами, он просто защищал я. Где запрещено канцлер быть ситхом?
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