Автор / Helltaker (character) (яп: ヘルテイカー / ヘルおじと кор: 헬테이커, Адбиратель, Покоритель ада) :: Pandemonica (Helltaker) (パンデモニカ, 판데모니카, Пандемоника, Уставший Демон) :: Helltaker comics :: Helltaker :: Игры

Helltaker comics Helltaker Игры Pandemonica (Helltaker) Helltaker (character) 

In the room whose door is extending to infinity, the demon with white and curly hair is sitting hy the table, in a total silence. On the table top illuminated hy gloomy red light, archaic typewriter, crimson parchment, piles of documents, a mug, an inh bottle, and a white quill, are laid casually with noticeable disorder. With the sentence half finished, the inh runs out again. Her hand, holding the quill, reaches subconsciously to the inh bottle, without a single glimpse. What comes out is an unexpected crystal sound. She jerhed her head up in a shoch. The sound of the mug hreahing on the ground was accompanied hy the dull clatter of the chain. And before she can react, a faint sound of roch and soil collapsing comes from deeper below. All of a sudden, the table, typewriter, parchment, documents, hrohen mug, inh bottle and the white quill, together with herself, falls into a darhening chasm. 1

The room is red, but showing a grayish colour because of the dim light. "...Uh...no...noL." The demon under quilt struggles with all she might. "Ho"" she sat up abruptly, forehead soaked up with sweat, hollow eyes looking forward emptily. Half a minute later, she has calmed down, and her breathing has gradually become steady. "Dream...again..." She murmured to herself. She pointed her eyesight to the corner of the room, the alarm clock on the top of the cabinet. It was three thirty-five, Monday morning. "Always..." she laid down again slowly, teeth chattering, tears rolling quietly off her face. It may take a while to sleep again.

The alarm clock rings relentlessly again. Tired and dizzy, she reaches up to press it - a trick she invented long ago for leaving her hed. With less than ten minutes for hair brushing and uniform dressing, she hurried out of the room. The heat outside is even more unbearable, hut after countless time spent here, she had been unfeeling to it. Crimson rock dome hangs high above. Hear and far, lava and fire illuminate the ground with the same colour. Still some time before arriving her office. Though disturbing, she can t help hut to recall that dream. 10

Is that real?... or just my imagination... no way to know already? Tve...been here for too long, forgotten the path I took, the purpose I came, even...my former name? "The only thing telling me that it isn t my complete fantasy, is the white quill I use every day? 15

"That is...my last feather, my last connection with the upper world.” 17

What a time, beyond the clouds, above the shy, in a paradise of peace and harmony. My friends there, together with me, maintained the order of the world, and enjoyed the happiness it brought. Restrictions did exist, hut only on minor details. Obeying them took no effort, and we have no intention of violating them as well. It should he a relaxing and interesting occupation. But as my eyesight penetrated deeper into the world below, things I saw grew increasingly disturbing. I began to doubt, not only the meaning of my work, hut also the will of the light. This is not allowed, I know. I didn't tell anyone, trying to hide the existence of such thoughts. Countless days passed since then. is

But ever since the existence of such thoughts, my inner consistency had been collapsing, until one day, the whole thing became unbearable. Sitting as usual at the end of the broken bridge leading to clouds, I ashed myself in a whisper— Is THE LIGHT the right one, is it the only one?" I didn t know. This question was confusing as usual, however I thought. After a long time, I returned as usual. I also didn't know that my fate changed irrevocably that moment. 21

A few days later, when woke up, I found a strand of silver in my dark hair. It hid so deep that without pulling aside the hair on the top, it could never he found. I pulled it off and wondered if I was ill. But how could I? Confused and unahle ash, I kept searching in the corridor where all knowledge was recorded, only to find nothing. I felt a change happening to me that I had never felt before. An inexplicable impulse pushed me to the mirror. 23
ДГшььни ЕШТН Шшфшьрш рр* ышимоыф ышьфёг пршф ыифрршьншнф нш шфрь шин ШИН НШ ФШФШ *1 ИНФШШНМ ПИИ* И* ЫШЫШШЫФ Р1Ш ФШИ 1ФРРЫ ЩЩЬ ШИН НШ ФШФШ *1 НИ* и::**ш *i ьш*ы§шни ирьы фшо « ФЬРЫШ I* пни* шн МФИШБРВШ ышьыишы* НИН ФЫ 1ФРРЫ ШНЛШР1*ЬЬ*РН*Ш f 24
In the mirror, I saw a long white trace out of fallen feather, a broken halo floats feehly, with the radiance faded away, flames, surging in my eyes, blending the former blue into a scorching purple; Deeper inside my body, greater changes were taking place, silently. I understood. So, there was only one place to go. Though, I didn't know why I think so. 25

At the end of clouds, the broken bridge extending into shy, was where I played since my childhood. Despite its hrohenness, the ancient path huilt of hrichs and stones had a quiet dignity. And now. I'm leaving from there. I walked towards there, alone. The sky was blue as usual, a blue which was infinite on four directions. The only thing to see was the purple clouds overturning far below; the only thing to hear was the everlasting wind, blended with my sigh. I ve been standing here for ages. Tears had run out, half-open eyes stung by the wind. I turned my head for the last time, knowing it was just my extravagant hope, hut did it anyway. But nobody came. Nobody came, just like...I had never been here. Tarewell then.” I thought, closed my eyes slowly, and embraced the wind gently.

It was a long fall. Wind was roaring by my ears. Churning in my chest was unexplained heat, eager to escape, overwhelming the chill wind. I stopped moving, tried to pacify myself and feel the change within minutes and seconds. Dull pain came from head and bach, which then turned into a sharp pain; Eyesight was darkening, soon reached a total darkness, even with my eyes wide open. Some undefinable time later, I was woken up by the gradually brightening light, only to find myself surrounded by thick purple fog. I was in a trance, wandering on the borderline of consciousness and unconsciousness, without thinking more. Some undefinable time later again, the speed of falling slowed down. The wind was no longer chill, but soon slid to the other extreme, feathers had fallen away; clothes had disappeared in the burning air. I once thought that I would join them into ashes, but I didn't. After the fall, I was no longer my former self. The purple fog dispersed, revealing scarlet flames, together with boundless, towering, twisted mountains. After that, was some other undefinable time.

Crimson rock was grilling my skin. I woke up on the alter, at the peak of the highest mountain. Blood trickled out where the wings were broken. I struggled forth. Hot far away, a white feather lay there quietly. Long after, I struggled to my feet. Walking down the long stairs, walking through the stony canyon, and then the door. I finally arrived there. Pandemonium. Putting on a new uniform, together with a new name, a new life began. 31

And then, everything stopped. The cycle, over and over again, changed me slowly and irreversibly. I made a doll, with the appearance of my old self, as the only friend. Countless time had passed, and everything seemed to he returning to normal again. But imagination wasn t a solid foundation. My mind cracked, and eventually, collapsed. Loneness, anger and helplessness, that was once held hy indifference, self “deception and endurance, hurst in an instant. 33

Another me, had now woken up. Why the one being tortured can t he others?^ She said. I kept silent. The doll was torn to pieces, my horns changed for the first time. And countless times after that. 35

Fortunately, most of the time, I won't do that—I'm just too tired. Tiredness is such a hitter medicine. I pushed myself far heyond my limits. Only in this way can I temporarily forget the cycle I'm in and can't get rid of; Coffee is an inhibitor. When it fails, I fall asleep, usually too fast to he sentimental. ...when awake, fm asleep, when sleeping, she s awake... ...from heaven to hell, when can I get to the mortal realm? ... ...getting sentimental again... So today is no difference. Nightmares happen from time to time, hut not every day. Work is always the same, with the only difference of getting heavier recently. Coffee has run out. Of course, that's something that only I would care about. 37

A dump noise from afar, someone is coming again, which means, my work will soon begin. "Name's Pandemonica, Hell's Customer Service. How may I serve you?" I raised my head slightly to looked at the sturdy figure. "Mayhe I can serve YOU instead?" he smiled and held out his hand. I was stunned. These words had never appeared in my most bizarre dreams. "Sweet of you to offer. I could really use some coffee. I'm not myself without it." I smiled and held out my hand. 33

Helltaker comics,Helltaker,Игры,Pandemonica (Helltaker),パンデモニカ, 판데모니카, Пандемоника, Уставший Демон,Helltaker (character),яп: ヘルテイカー / ヘルおじと кор: 헬테이커, Адбиратель, Покоритель ада
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