Pink Floyd Goodbye Blue Sky HD,Music,,In a brief prologue, birds are heard chirping peacefully. The / видео недоступно :: анимация из фильма :: классика :: Pink Floyd :: Googbye blue sky :: The Wall :: video

video The Wall Googbye blue sky Pink Floyd классика анимация из фильма песочница видео недоступно 

Pink Floyd Goodbye Blue Sky HD,Music,,In a brief prologue, birds are heard chirping peacefully. The sound of approaching bombers catches the attention of a child (voiced by a young Harry Waters), who states, "Look mummy, there's an aeroplane up in the sky". The lyrics go on to describe the memory of the Blitz: Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?... The flames are all long gone but the pain lingers on. Goodbye, blue sky. Lyrics : Look mummy, there's an aeroplane up in the sky" Did-did-did-did-you see the frightened ones? Did-did-did-did-you hear the falling bombs? Did-did-did-did-you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter When the promise of a brave new world Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky? Did-did-did-did-you see the frightened ones? Did-did-did-did-you hear the falling bombs? The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on. Goodbye, blue sky Goodbye, blue sky. Goodbye. "The 11:15 from Newcastle is now approaching" "The 11:18 arrival...."
video,The Wall,Googbye blue sky,Pink Floyd,классика,анимация из фильма,песочница,видео недоступно
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