The Virgin Using the Latin alphabet easily understood by millions Has two major standardizations / anon

The Virgin Using the Latin alphabet
easily understood by millions
Has two major standardizations that are basically the same
No letters for many phonemes
is cucked out of his native alphabet
Used by ever institution on the planet
Has been adapted by reforms to better fit, still doesn't
The Virgin Using the Latin alphabet easily understood by millions Has two major standardizations that are basically the same No letters for many phonemes is cucked out of his native alphabet Used by ever institution on the planet Has been adapted by reforms to better fit, still doesn't 3A K)3HHr CHPHJ1J1HK TO PAHT OHTJIHIH HO OHCTHTYIHOH nPOMOTC 3T OHJ1H YH£3PCTOOfl EH SHOHIH CnH33K3PC xy PHH Æ CHPHJ1J1HK nPOMOOTC PYCCHAH JIOAHBOPÏÏC TOHC 00) YHI033 JI3TT3PC nJISHTH 00) MSCCHHr JI3TT3PC HO CT AHH AP,ZI33 AIIIY H
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Ты говно
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Тычо обзываешься, ну
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Нет, ты
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