Получается что да
Фанаты siege studio не простили отсутствие тэга )
Я так понимаю, вытянуть руки по швам он не может.
Может, но ногам это не понравится.
Не может, да и хуй с ним
зачем вообще нужны цепные мечи на внутренней стороне рук ? для обнимашек ?
Это бесплатная обнимашка в один конец.
За тем же, зачем они всегда были на пилокулаках: чтобы по-ваховски пилить броню.
У Тибероса неизвестный археотек, сочетающий и громовые когти, и пилокулак, так и на оригинальной миниатюре было:
У Тибероса неизвестный археотек, сочетающий и громовые когти, и пилокулак, так и на оригинальной миниатюре было:
Его археотек не такой уж и неизвестный. Это когти Гвардии Ворона.
"Поговаривают..." но история интересная, да.
However, it is whispered within the Chapter that this pair of ancient Lightning Claws once belonged to the Raven Guard Legion's 18th Chapter -- the very same Terran formation that was exiled to the Outer Dark by Primarch Corax himself after he assumed command of the XIXth Legion. This expeditionary fleet was tasked to bring the light of the Emperor to the Ghoul Stars, and later became a Renegade Blackshield force known as the Ashen Claws. Unknown to the wider Imperium, this group of Renegades managed to survive into the modern era, and still had dealings with the Carcharodons to trade for technology or new recruits. Sometime in the past, during one of their bartering negotiations, Tyberos was provoked into a duel with the Ashen Claws Chapter Master, Nehat Nev. Following the brutal and presumably bloody fight, the "Red Wake" emerged triumphant, and claimed Hunger and Slake as his prize. Since then, the Renegade lord still seethes at their loss, and continues to provoke the Carcharodons' ire whenever the Chapter is forced to deal with these Renegades.
However, it is whispered within the Chapter that this pair of ancient Lightning Claws once belonged to the Raven Guard Legion's 18th Chapter -- the very same Terran formation that was exiled to the Outer Dark by Primarch Corax himself after he assumed command of the XIXth Legion. This expeditionary fleet was tasked to bring the light of the Emperor to the Ghoul Stars, and later became a Renegade Blackshield force known as the Ashen Claws. Unknown to the wider Imperium, this group of Renegades managed to survive into the modern era, and still had dealings with the Carcharodons to trade for technology or new recruits. Sometime in the past, during one of their bartering negotiations, Tyberos was provoked into a duel with the Ashen Claws Chapter Master, Nehat Nev. Following the brutal and presumably bloody fight, the "Red Wake" emerged triumphant, and claimed Hunger and Slake as his prize. Since then, the Renegade lord still seethes at their loss, and continues to provoke the Carcharodons' ire whenever the Chapter is forced to deal with these Renegades.
В последней книге магистр Пепельных Когтей потребовал у Тебероса вернуть то, что он украл у его ордена - Голод и Насыщение.
Пепельные Когти, так-то, каждый раз при встрече с Кархарадонами требуют. Правда в этот раз усугубилось тем, что Те Кахуранга, старший библиарий, обманул Пепельных Когтей, заставив их вступить в бой с роем Тиранидов в обмен на когти. Когти, по понятным причинам, не вернули.
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