The Shoghh fields by Nick Storozhenko There are many mysterious places in the universe where s / Sci-Fi art :: Sci-Fi :: Nick Storozhenko :: art (арт)

Nick Storozhenko Sci-Fi art Sci-Fi art 

The Shoghh fields by Nick Storozhenko
Nick Storozhenko,Sci-Fi art,Sci-Fi,art,арт

There are many mysterious places in the universe where something strange is happening, something beyond the boundaries of understanding. Apparently, these fields somehow attract ships and make them crash here for several thousand years. Therefore the planet became the largest spaceship graveyard in the Kasatky-49 square. Maybe monoliths are the reason, or it can be something under the surface, that makes these strange sounds at night.


Nick Storozhenko,Sci-Fi art,Sci-Fi,art,арт
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	11 >			/ ЩЙЁ 1 ¡			Нц 4 mil \/\\ \Ж* \	\ \ ; V V \швятяаяж л V . s\	
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Nick Storozhenko Мифические существа Fantasy,Fantasy art art,арт

1 ¡ Нц 4 mil \/\\ \Ж* \ \ \ ; V V \швятяаяж л V . s\ W хю^ J& / ' * / ■ // / ..ч i \ V\ *ó \ ^%А % wjl р\%