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Beowulf age of heroes - сеттинг для игры в эпохе Темных веков с персонажами древних саг и сказаний по правилам 5 редакции Dungeons and Dragons

beowulf age of heroes,Игры,Настольные игры,концепт-арт,art,арт,jon hodgson,под катом еще

BaCC) eaDiQ
Possessed of a simple knowledge and an earthy goodness, Bald Eadig is a fearsome enemy of the darkness. I Ic has helped build prior)' walls, defended pilgrims, and guarded monks. Now he is setting out on the swan road to find the greatest enemies of the Church - the very devils of

rfie •wTDou) (narRon ofcfte (xxtse
When her husband was slain, Cwcnhild mourned for a jvar and then set about putting the affairs of her hall to rights. Ruling wisely and cautiously, she waited for her three sons to come of age and rule her lost husband's kingdom. Yet, one by one

a pRincess
'leaching herself to light with a sword, she escaped the Nunnery where she had felt so trapped. Now she wanders the world, seeking to help others and uncover the mysteries of this‘middle earth'.
Alys is a neither follower of the Book, nor a follower of the Old Ways.

iBn ütftcn&n
xAie •waîTî>eRinc, warrior poet of BAÇfiôaù
Once a trader and writer, Ibn Uthnian was exiled from the lands of his birth for using his prodigious ability with words most unwisely: a tangled financial dispute with a Northern King means that returning to Baghdad and his old life is no


BaCC) eaDiQ Possessed of a simple knowledge and an earthy goodness, Bald Eadig is a fearsome enemy of the darkness. I Ic has helped build prior)' walls, defended pilgrims, and guarded monks. Now he is setting out on the swan road to find the greatest enemies of the Church - the very devils of hell and the sons of Cain. Bald Eadigs player may choose to begin the adventure from a home hall where he currently lives,or from the state of wandering between halls.The player may use the suggestion, or invent their own. They might like to use the provided random generator. SUCGCSCCD St&RUnC. fK\LL Eadig finds himself lodging with a goodly lord in Northumbria in the North of Anglaland. Me has become renowned amid the benches for his gosxl humour and indefatigable strength. When a messenger bursts into the hall to bring ill tidings from the Sanctuary of the 1 lermit, the local king despatches Eadig to investigate. 'Ihc king himself unlocks his word hoard and delivers the portent from the steps of the hall as Ivadig gathers his helpers. BaCb eaOic, the ivatideKino heno Alternatively, Eadig already has his small band with him in his ship, and they are sailing the whale road in search of monsters. They put into shore for the evening when she encounters a messenger on his way to the nearby lords hall, bearing news of the Sanctuary's predicament. Beset by bandits ami oathbreakers, Eadig is quick to offer assistance. On hearing of the urgent plight of the island, Eadig decides to set sail immediately with the Follower* he has at hand. A broken-headed bandit scoffs and portends his doom in thyme. WRestiinc, fteRO There arc a great many dark places in the world, and the Book teaches that the faithful should bring the light, and with it burn out evil wherever it may be found. Blessed with the barrel-chested strength that comes with middle-age, a distinct lack of hair, and a devotion to the word of the Book, Bald Eadig means to carry the news of the saviour far and wide, and in doing so battle the forces of darkness as an example to all. Where he can't bring the benefits of writing and contemplation, he will bring his big stick.
CCDetlfilLO rfie •wTDou) (narRon ofcfte (xxtse When her husband was slain, Cwcnhild mourned for a jvar and then set about putting the affairs of her hall to rights. Ruling wisely and cautiously, she waited for her three sons to come of age and rule her lost husband's kingdom. Yet, one by one they were taken: as the)’ flowered into men so they were cut down by war or taken away by creatures left over from ancient times. Now she is alone, with no one else to fight the growing abundance of monsters that herald the end of days and the snuffing out of all good things. But no straw-death for Cwenhil. No longer the spinning wheel nor the pots of the hearth for her. She has bade broken open the barrow and taken up her husbands mail and his spear. Too long has she spent weeping and awaiting tidings at the edge of the battlefield. Now she will be the bringcr of bid tidings to those who take sons and husbands. Cwcnhild is a traditionalist of the old ways. The evidence of the inevitable end of the world is all around her. Note that in the full BEOWULF rules, alignment plays a larger part than in this introductory scenario. Merc it serves as a guide for Cwcnhild* attitude ami interaction with NPCs. Cwcnhild'« player may choose to begin the adventure from a home hall where she currently lives, or from the state of wandering between halls.'[he plater may use the suggestion, or invent their own.They might like to use the provided random generator. SUCCtSCCO ST'ARCmC, f Vc\lL Cwcnhild finds herself currently lodging at her cousins I lall in the South of Gcatland. Its a smaller hall than she was used to, but it has proved a useful place to begin her travels. She has wintered there, gathering a small group of retainers to accompany her. When a breathless messenger arrives in the early spring, her brother has too many other pressing concerns to go himself and Cwcnhild volunteers to go in his stead. A visiting nun, renowned for sage advice that comes in visions, provides the portent. auenfilCD WiXlTCHEKinCj fiCRO Alternatively, Cwcnhild already has her small band with her in her ship and they arc sailing the whale road in «.■arch of monster*. They put into shore for the evening when she encounters the messenger bearing news of the Sanctuary's predicament.‘Ihc messenger is riding fast to the nearby lord s 1 lall. Cwcnhild decides to set sail immediately with the Followers six* has at hand. One of Cwcnhild’s followers delivers the portent in a song as they prepare to depart.
aLys a pRincess 'leaching herself to light with a sword, she escaped the Nunnery where she had felt so trapped. Now she wanders the world, seeking to help others and uncover the mysteries of this‘middle earth'. Alys is a neither follower of the Book, nor a follower of the Old Ways. Alys’player may choose to begin the adventure from a home hall where she currently lives, or from the state of wandering between halls.’Ihc player may use the suggestion, or invent their own. They might like to use the provided random generator. SUGCitSteO STIiXRTIinG frAll Alys finds herself at the hall of Queen Eadgitu of the Frisians, at the Eastern end of the Whale Road.'live Queen has befriended the young princess, won over by her clear-ejed ways and determination to forge her own way in the world. Alys has also won friends among the benches of the mead hall, and a group of companions arc pledged to her. With the coming of spring. Alys has convinced Eadgifu to lend her a ship, so that she might explore further, and sec what wonders can be found. So it seems timely when an exhausted messenger throws himself before the treasure scat and begs help for the Sanctuary. A perfect mystery for Alys to explore. Scanning her books in preparation, a line of poetry catches in Alys’ mind, forming the portent for this quest. aLystl*£ wanotRinc, ixlro Alternatively, Alys already has her small band with her in tlK Queens ship, and they arc sailing the whale road in search of mysteries. They put into shore for the evening when she encounters a messenger on his way to the nearby lord's hall, bearing news of the Sanctuary's predicament. On hearing of the urgent plight of the island, Alys decides to set sail immediately with the Followers she has at hand. Born of royal blood, but fostered to a for away land across the sea, Alys found she did not fit in with the other princesses. More interested in learning to read and write, and the wonders these skills revealed, she spurned the traditional crafts of hospitality and needlepoint and the wifely duties expected of her. As tire crew push off. they sing a song she has never heard before, the words of the first line become the portent for this adventure.
iBn ütftcn&n xAie •waîTî>eRinc, warrior poet of BAÇfiôaù Once a trader and writer, Ibn Uthnian was exiled from the lands of his birth for using his prodigious ability with words most unwisely: a tangled financial dispute with a Northern King means that returning to Baghdad and his old life is no longer an option for Ibn Uthman. Resolved to explore the North, Ibn Uthman has found himself far from home. Telling a rale or two seemed to please the people of these freezing Northlands, and they enjoy his melodious, strange-sounding voice, and his songs from afar. His ability to spin a story has grown with the miles he’s travelled. Uthman is faithful to the One Cod, though his version seems somewhat different to those of the Northerners. Ibn Uthman's pi aver may choose to begin thc adventure from a home hall where he currently resides, or from the state of wandering between halls.Ihc plavvr may use the suggestion, or invent their own.Thcy might like to use the provided random generator to add more details. suco€Si:£0 stARtmo frAU Ibn Uthman has ^>ent the coldest of the winter months at the mcadhall of a minor king of Jutland. 1 Ic’s found he can earn his keep telling tales of his distant homeland, and has made many friends here, who arc willing to follow him and help him on his mission to explore the North. The King of the 1 fall is a generous ring-giver, and has gifted Ibn Uthman a ship in return for his entertaining tales. Now that the ice is thawing, Uthman grows restless and wants to sec more of the land hereabouts. When a messenger comes to the lord’s hall to explain the desperate situation, the king has no hesitation is sending Ibn Uthman to uncover the tale. As he prepares his ship, the portent conies unbidden to Uthman as a line of poetry. utfxmn ttie w&rit>eRinq hGRO Out on the Whale Road, exploring and cataloguing as much of the territory as he can uncover, Ibn Uthman and his crew arc putting into shore for the evening when lie encounters a wounded messenger on his way to the nearby lord's hall, bearing news of the Sanctuary’s predicament. I Icaring the tale in the last breaths of the messenger, Ibn Uthman decides to set sail immediately for the I lermit’s Sanctuary, accompanied by the Followers he has at hand. A less enthusiastic crew member dourly portends his doom in the unfavourable augrv of seabirds, and thus provides the portent.
beowulf age of heroes,Игры,Настольные игры,концепт-арт,art,арт,jon hodgson,под катом еще
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