The Virgin Santa VS The Chad Ded Moroz Popularized by Coca Cola No control over the elements S / anon

The Virgin Santa
The Chad Ded Moroz
Popularized by Coca Cola
No control over the elements
Short unkempt beard
Doesnt even wear gloves. Probably too
broke to afford them
Needs flying sleigh to deliver gifts
Wouldnt dare to harm anyone
Plain clothing probably made in China just like his
The Virgin Santa VS The Chad Ded Moroz Popularized by Coca Cola No control over the elements Short unkempt beard Doesnt even wear gloves. Probably too broke to afford them Needs flying sleigh to deliver gifts Wouldnt dare to harm anyone Plain clothing probably made in China just like his toys. Popularized by Slavic folklore Has literal contol over snow and ice Incel elves work for him because he is too fat to do it himself. Mittens second only in power to the infinity gauntlet. bourgeois and religious Only needs his trusty Troika to deliver his gifts Clothing so ornamental it is worthy of a king. Manly mete long white beard / Probably wears Ugg Boots Imao Can and will murder you if you provoke him together with his stacy granddaughter to deliver gifts Approved by sovjet authorities Wears glorious russian valenki
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Flags Mashup Bot
Mixed 11 (Chad) + IB (Virgin Islands), and created this new country called Virgin Chad:
0:46 • 31 Aug 19 • BotFlags флуктуации мозга	лукавый шепчет
дофаминовое ^ голодание	православный пост
^ зависимости	страсти
проработка психологических проблем	духовный рост
осознание травмы покаяние
й1 абьюзер	властолюбец ||
к нарцисическое ^ расстройство	гордыня, 1 тщеславие и
Щ депрессия	грех уныния
щ сеанс с психол

Virgin vs. Chad Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы религия Базославие

флуктуации мозга лукавый шепчет дофаминовое ^ голодание православный пост ^ зависимости страсти проработка психологических проблем духовный рост осознание травмы покаяние й1 абьюзер властолюбец || к нарцисическое ^ расстройство гордыня, 1 тщеславие и Щ депрессия грех уныния щ сеанс с психол
Anonymous (ID
03/12/23(Sun)15:50:36 No.419394790
79r is 4,60zt. Can like this in local orlen is 5zl. So Ivan in sanctioned russia can buy can of polish cola cheaper then me. IS OVER KURWA
jj	if
kl , f	11 l 1

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Anonymous (ID 03/12/23(Sun)15:50:36 No.419394790 79r is 4,60zt. Can like this in local orlen is 5zl. So Ivan in sanctioned russia can buy can of polish cola cheaper then me. IS OVER KURWA AOAbKM AMSKMHUI, MCAvcn*:.'»« XCmsmNF+ k jj if i &-1 2491 kl , f 11 l 1