FUTURE HEADS Amelia Warner in C3se you're woncenng, the ste-eotypcal notior o* movie st / Амелия Уорнер (Amelia Warner)

Амелия Уорнер auto 
Amelia Warner
in C3se you're woncenng, the ste-eotypcal notior o* movie sta's/actresses oehavirg I *e rght liite madams s actually often accurate. Twenly-four-year-old Liverpudlian Arne a Warner, however, ducks that trend like a bronco with a wasp or ts arse: polite, salf-effacirg,
FUTURE HEADS Amelia Warner in C3se you're woncenng, the ste-eotypcal notior o* movie sta's/actresses oehavirg I *e rght liite madams s actually often accurate. Twenly-four-year-old Liverpudlian Arne a Warner, however, ducks that trend like a bronco with a wasp or ts arse: polite, salf-effacirg, I jrny, patient (while waiting to pose for her Arena ohotos she anuses herseF by p!aying Hangman) and. in case you hadn’t net ced, da?z ngly pretty. For sc~cone who admits she wants to ‘stay beow the radar to conecntrate cn T.ak-ng decent f ¡ms", it's nard tc imagine that she was marrec to high-profile letch Colir =arrell 'or 'our months in 2001. S:i'. we're not allowing the thought uf the Irish dio: pawing her to dist-act from why we're picking Warner as one of c jr faces of the futjre and 20th anniversary cover stars Af’.er a njmbar of peroc dramas - ‘999's MansGeid Park, and 2000's CjiSs ana Lorna Ooone - Warner nas been building jp an impressive r<isum6 of nceoenoent films (that's indepencent as in •good’, rather than ‘unwatchaole’)-We'd ecomrnorid you check nc out in 2005 crama Winter Passing {in which she cc-stars with another Arena favourite, Zooey Deschanel) as well as this year's emotiona family drama Alpha Male an6 the Austiaiia.i outback thriller Gone. Sne was alsc n last year's sd-fi effort Aeon Flax. But it was sh>t. So fit didn't thin« we should menton >t What's been your favourite year of the last two decades? 'I'd have to say 2000 because I'm O'' the cover of Arena. I bought rr.y first flat, tell In levs aid .^ade what I cons<oer 3 good movie ’ What’s your favourite record of the last 20 years? * ’ ne Stone Roses t rst album. There'5 never a wrong time to put it on and hare isn't a duff track That and anything by Peter Andre* What one thing do you wish hadn’t happened in the past 20 years? •Fete» Andre.’ Who's your bp for greatness? *1 love Cat Power Her t# aJtxim. The GfOutvst, just gets bettor and better. I also I • e Ma coir Mtdoieton he does 'angry folk'. I'm into singer songwriters, I pay pano ana guitar. I did hrieffy write my own songs when I was 18 but then -eaf sea mat there were peop'.e who were a lot better than me.' An- elie wears cusrr>n;:-.fcd InU1 tftftf Silk r,n‘n\uariisylc Rokit: gc v t> < - cottons iiy Liza Brucc vinvagc ■iilve- cu:-ctf shorts by Dirk Schonbcigor
Амелия Уорнер,Amelia Warner,auto
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