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Австралия видео крокодил Пес баба тапок песочница 

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Crocodile warned off by woman and her flip flop in Australia,Howto & Style,news,world news,news paper,flash,hd watch,interesting,important,funny,hot news,political,actual news,sports news,health,magazine news,social news,Crocodile,flip flop in Australia,Australia's Northern Territory,Kakadu National Park,East Alligator River,A woman in Australia's Northern Territory averted a confrontation with a crocodile with the help of a flip flop. The woman and her small dog are seen at the edge of the water at Cahill's Crossing on the East Alligator River, in Kakadu National Park, when a salt water crocodile swims towards them. She removes her flip flop and slaps it against her hand which appears to cause the crocodile to retreat, much to her apparent amusement. Local crocodile enthusiast Lyndon Anlezark, who filmed the encounter, told Reuters he hopes the footage makes people think twice before putting themselves in such danger. "It's just incredible someone would take such a risk. I don't think she realised how dangerous this kind of behaviour is," Anlezark told Reuters over the phone. Local rangers believe there are more than 120 crocodiles in the six-kilometre stretch of river south from Cahill's Crossing. The last fatal attack happened in 1987, according to the ABC.
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Комментарии 4 04.10.201619:46 ссылка -5.0
есть женщины в тайских селеньях!
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SoaQaz SoaQaz 04.10.201620:51 ответить ссылка 0.2
как комаров каких то отгоняет)))) домашние наверно)) с соседней фермы плывут поживиться))
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