Сап, анонче. / anon

Сап, анонче. Подскажи видео типа таких. Заранее спасиб.

METACHAOS,Film & Animation,experimental,metachaos,chaos,fractals,ferro fluid,alessandro bavari,cgi,animation,short,world war,golden nica,prix ars electronica,visionary,surreal,monster,ink,noise,sound,animated,apocalyptic,Electronic,War,METACHAOS® IS PROPERTIES OF ALESSANDRO BAVARI, COPYRIGHT - 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). - Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METACHAOS by Alessandro Bavari www.alessandrobavari.com Duration: min. 8:27 Original format: Pal Widescreen 1050x576 - Progressive Alessandro Bavari: Camera Tremula 1, Noise Melange, XYZ Ocula Depth Fulvio Sturniolo: Camera Tremula 2 Jeff Ensign aka Evolution Noise Slave: Sonic Harmonium Metachaos, from Greek Meta (beyond) and Chaos (the abyss where the eternally-formless state of the universe hides), indicates a primordial shape of ameba, which lacks in precise morphology, and it is characterized by mutation and mitosis. In fact the bodies represented in METACHAOS, even though they are characterized by an apparently anthropomorphous appearance, in reality they are without identity and conscience. They exist confined in a spaceless and timeless state, an hostile and decadent hyperuranium where a fortress, in perpetual movement, dominates the landscape in defense of a supercelestial, harmonic but fragile parallel dimension. In its destructive instinct of violating the dimensional limbo, the mutant horde penetrates the intimacy of the fortress, laying siege like a virus. Similar to the balance of a philological continuum in human species, bringing the status of things back to the primordial broth. _____________________________________________________________ METACHAOS is a multidisciplinary audio-visual project, articulated in a short film, a set of photography and mix-technique paintings. The purpose of the project is to represent the most tragic aspects of the human nature and of its motion, such as war, madness, social change and hate. ======================================================= METACHAOS Durata: min. 8:27 Formato originale: Pal Widescreen 1050x576 - Progressive Alessandro Bavari: Camera Tremula 1, Noise Melange, XYZ Ocula Depth Fulvio Sturniolo: Camera Tremula 2 Jeff Ensign aka Evolution Noise Slave: Sonic Harmonium Metachaos, dal greco meta (oltre) e chaos (l'abisso dove si cela lo stato eternamente informe dell'universo), indica una forma primordiale di ameba, priva di una precisa morfologia e caratterizzata da progressive mutazioni e mitosi. In METACHAOS, infatti, i corpi rappresentati pur essendo caratterizzati da un aspetto apparentemente antropomorfo, in realtà sono privi di identità e di coscienza. Vivono confinati in un contesto aspaziale ed atemporale, un iperuranio ostile e decadente dove una fortezza in movimento perpetuo, domina il paesaggio a difesa di una dimensione parallela tanto armonica quanto fragile. L'unica finalità dell'orda mutante è quella di assediare e violare il limbo rovesciandone le sorti e penetrandone l'intimità con un istinto distruttivo, quasi fosse un virus, infrangendo così l'equilibrio di un continuum filologico simile a quello della specie umana, riportando lo stato delle cose a quello del brodo primordiale. METACHAOS è un progetto visivo multidisciplinare, che si articola in un cortometraggio, in una serie fotografica ed in dipinti realizzati a tecnica mista (tutt'ora in progress). Il progetto nasce dalla volontà di rappresentare gli aspetti più tragici del genere umano e dei suoi moti, come le guerre, la follia, i mutamenti sociali e l'odio.
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Сап - болезнь заразительная, прививная, вызывается размножением в организме специфических бацилл; инфекционное заболевание человека и животных.
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а touch.otvet.mail.ru Что значит "Сап, анон"? Закрыт 4 года назад ★ В лидеры 0 с§ ЛУЧШИЙ ОТВЕТ Сергей Лубин Высший разум (191743) Сап - болезнь заразительная, прививная, вызывается размножением в организме специфических бацилл; инфекционное заболевание человека и животных. А 6 нравится 4 г
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Аноним 11/11/17 Суб 05:08:45
14 лет
Сап, двач. Моя доля испортилась. Она стала
высокой и больше не называет меня братиком Че делать?

сап Anime,RDR, Reshotka Democratic Republic разное

5 лет братик! Аноним 11/11/17 Суб 05:08:45 14 лет \] Сап, двач. Моя доля испортилась. Она стала высокой и больше не называет меня братиком Че делать?
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