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neokosmos Tye tumblr песочница 

Оригинал : http://neo-kosmos.tumblr.com/post/127752723444/see-you-in-september


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otherwindow Concept: the secret boss of a video game is the merchant you've traded with this whole time, and their combat capabilities are based entirely on what you sold them. For example, did you sell them Necromancy skill books? Well shit they can summon a skeleton army. jewish- psyop Yeah

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otherwindow Concept: the secret boss of a video game is the merchant you've traded with this whole time, and their combat capabilities are based entirely on what you sold them. For example, did you sell them Necromancy skill books? Well shit they can summon a skeleton army. jewish- psyop Yeah
: iputmilkinearlgrey Follow 4d ago parents got a new cat they named lord montague and this morning i heard my dad in the other room say "i would have to advise against that decision, my lord" followed by a crashing sound

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: iputmilkinearlgrey Follow 4d ago parents got a new cat they named lord montague and this morning i heard my dad in the other room say "i would have to advise against that decision, my lord" followed by a crashing sound