Crazy Garbage Feces Hoarders House - Viewer Discretion Advised,People,mental illness,cancer / Леденящий Душу Пиздец :: личное

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Crazy Garbage Feces Hoarders House - Viewer Discretion Advised,People,mental illness,cancer prevention,hoarders,hoarding,cat lady,toxoplasma,sick building,garbage house,Crazy,Funny,Insane,landlord,real estate investing,bad tenant,nightmare tenant,worst tenant ever,toxoplasmosis,gross out,human feces,READ THIS FIRST!!!! READ THIS FIRST!!!! Unbelievable video of a hoarders house after the renter moved out. Warning this is SUPER NASTY!!! If you throw up on your keyboard, don't say I didn't warn you. This tenant rented from me for 7 years. She was not a hoarder when she moved in. The first five years everything was fine. She was a "cat lady" and the house smelled like a litter box, but she was still not a hoarder. Apparently sometime in the last 2 years of her tenancy she lost it. Cats carry a parasite called toxoplasma gondii. Humans exposed to cat feces and infected with this parasite can develop mental illness, as this parasite migrates into the brain. Some of the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are an unhealthful attraction to cats, an "immunity" to the smell of cat urine, and strange behavior. Ever gone into someone's house that has an overwhelming smell of cat urine and wondered why they don't smell it? This is a red flag. Back to the story: Every time we arranged to make an inspection this lady would cancel at the last minute with a different excuse, "I'm sick", "I didn't have time to clean up", "It's not a good time can we reschedule?" etc. Since she paid rent on time every month and never submitted any maintenance requests, inspecting her house was not an urgent priority. Now we know why she was putting us off! Note to all landlords/managers, if a tenant keeps putting off inspection, something may be very very wrong. Get in there quick! Why am I so calm? 1) I've seen a lot of disgusting things in my 10 years as a property manager. 2) As a cancer survivor I have a different perspective on life than most. I can find the silver lining and humor in almost any situation. One final note: My commentary may come across as a bit mean or unsympathetic, but that is just my way of turning something horrifying into something funny. Remember I'm the one who has to deal with this unbelievable situation and it's going to cost me THOUSANDS of dollars. The least I can do is get some laughs out of it. I don't feel bad about making fun of this woman anonymously. She practically destroyed my house, then walked away. I have every right to broadcast her identity to the world and ruin her reputation. She remains anonymous because I do truly feel sorry for her and choose not to reveal her identity. I have not sued her for damages. Please comment on this video and share it on social media. If it goes viral, it could generate enough revenue to reimburse me for all the money I've spent fixing this house. I will post a follow up video as soon as work is complete and I have a grand total of money spent. Subscribe to my channel and you'll be notified when I post the "after video". More about me: I beat stage 3 colon cancer with natural methods and no chemo in 2004. Find out more at Friend me on Facebook!
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