GEEK NERD In the ongoing battle between geek and nerd, one must take sides. But how can this be d / личное :: инфографика :: geek (Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор)

geek личное инфографика 
In the ongoing battle between geek and nerd, one must take sides. But how can this be done without a solid argument for both personas? It's time to lay all the cards on the table to determine which is better and answer the question some fear to know:
Are you a geek, or a nerd?
GEEK NERD In the ongoing battle between geek and nerd, one must take sides. But how can this be done without a solid argument for both personas? It's time to lay all the cards on the table to determine which is better and answer the question some fear to know: Are you a geek, or a nerd? History: The terms geek and nerd may sometimes seem I I synonymous, but they have very different roots inhistory:j i------- While used as a derogatory term , originally, the word 'geek" gained popularity in the circus. Circus performers that performed amazing feats were Geeks._ _ I This term was coined from Dr. Seuss, I in 1954 in a line that read "A nerkle. a I nerd, and a seersucker too!" - So , really nerkle and seersucker are 1 synonymous withjierd. _ _ _ J Geek Traits Nerd Traits Wears ironic t-shirts. Interests might include gaming, film (both ; artsy film and anything Will Ferrel stars in). ! collecting, gadgets/tech. computing, coding hacking, techno music screen printing, etc A fan of gadgets. Likely geek jobs: Web design/development IT professional Marketer Graphic designer Game designer/developer Barista at an indie coffee shop Entrepreneur Record store Bartender Socially Inept. Diverse and sometimes impractical skills due to broad interests in games, movies, science, computers, etc. Interests might include: Battlestar Galactica (BSG). LARPing. SecondLife. Physics. Chess. Fantasy/Sci-Fi. Computer programming. Likely nerd jobs: Rocket scientist Reclusive professor Computer programmer Engineer IT professional Inventor Or work at a video store Geek Talk You know you're talking to a geek when they remind you of their "hip* lifestyle by discussing their “cool* habits or dropping pop culture references: There's nothing like kicking it to some crunchy bass while enjoying a good Malbec. 60% of the time it works all the time. [While pulling out their iPhone] Let me pull out my pocket iPad. Nerd Talk You know you're talking to a nerd when they insert obscure references into a sentence: There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't. I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code. The box said Requires Windows 95 or better' so I installed LINUX. factoids/Stats. 17% of Americans identify as geeks I 65% of video game designers identify as geeks | 50% of technology engineers identify as geeks 37% of bloggers identify as geeks I 66% of millennial think "geek" is a compliment 45% of people believe geeks are early adopters 31% of people believe geeks have a higher chance of being successful On average, self-identified geeks have a better view of themselves than others view geeks: 417. of people would be comfortable called a geek while only 24% would be comfortable called a nerd. ★ Self Identified Geek _ I ★ Non-Geek ■ 73% 54% ■ 60% 43% 59% 43% 50% 48% 48% 29% 47% 28% 34% 54% ] - Is a person people come to for Technology Advice. - Is a first adopter of new technology. - Is extremely intelligent. - Works in the IT or Tech industry. - Gets obsessed with certain aspects of pop culture. о - Has a higher chance of being professionally successful. - Is socially awkward. Geek and Nerd Movies — A geek would rather be called a geek over a hipster. -| PROVIDED BY: M Sources Movies Nerds Love (and some geeks too!) Lord of the Rings Battlestar Galactica (yes. it's on the way!) Matrix http://www.wikihow.corT^ell-the-Difference-Between-Nerds-and-Geeks
geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,личное,инфографика
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