долой цветных, долой всяких сиков, пусть наступет эра Айронов / anon


долой цветных, долой всяких сиков, пусть наступет эра Айронов

Iron Maiden - The Man Who Would Be King,Music,,The Man Who Would Be King - Iron Maiden The Final Frontier - 2010 EMI Copyright 2010 7:40 and on are pictures of my brother and I at the Iron Maiden concert in Concord on 6/20/2010 As he travels on the beast of Burden Moving up along the mountain side As he gazes looking down the valley No regrets but his pride As he journeys across mountain passes Insignificance sweeps over him His reflection of the beauty around him Feeling empty inside He is running from his wildest thoughts He is running from his everything He is looking now to find something Hoping he could be saved He's searching for the answer now Is something that he's managed to avoid up until now Looking for the conviction that he craves He needs to find the answer sooner or later Pushed himself to the limits He had to strife for all the harder things in life But what the cost to give him now His life and time is the only things that he has Life is is not a rehearsal, only has this the one chance to get it right Living really is only way to know Maybe one day they'll forgive him what he's done with all the pain of lying too early in the grave Destiny, no good to hide away Hear us now, we'll be his only way Understand, no good to run away Penance now, will be his saving grace (((Beautiful Guitar Solo))) Just to make his peace with God All is forgivable but he's left a little late Trying something that he's not Is impossible to change such a lot He's taken someone's life away There's not a day that goes by he regrets what he's done He should have found another way But the good book says an eye for an eye In reflecting on decisions that were made On the judgments that will haunt him 'till his grave No-one has the right to take another life But in his mind he had no choice so be it Destiny, no good to hide away Hear us now, we'll be his only way understand , no good to run away Penance now, will be his saving grace Destiny, no good to hide away Hear us now, we'll be his only way understand, no place to run away Penance now, will be his saving grace Far, far away The man who would be king Far, far away The man who would be king So far away The man who would be king So far away The man who would be king Far, far away The Man Who Would Be King...
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А укусить поцеловать мой зад не хочешь ?
anon anon 06.02.201520:01 ответить ссылка -0.9
Цветные горите в аду! Iron Maiden боги!
anon anon 06.02.201520:06 ответить ссылка 0.2
О, уже семидесятые наступили?
anon anon 06.02.201520:10 ответить ссылка -0.5
anon anon 06.02.201522:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
У тебя восмёрка пошатнулась
anon anon 06.02.201522:21 ответить ссылка 0.0
Очень мило. По ошибке прочитала: "Эра Айфонов".
anon anon 07.02.201500:52 ответить ссылка -0.1
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'* @fe_city_boy
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— И не перезвонил.
— Что?
— Что?
12:07 РМ-25 Sep 2015 ^	0	1.206	★	1.131
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Денис Чужой '* @fe_city_boy — Простите, святой отец, ибо я согрешил. В прошлую пятницу я переспал с мужчиной. — И не перезвонил. — Что? — Что? 12:07 РМ-25 Sep 2015 ^ 0 1.206 ★ 1.131 ST Follow