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The Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Video v1.1 1080p,Film,,If you want this on Blu-ray or DVD, please visit http://kaleidoscopestore.com/ to order it securely via my Amazon Web Store. The website http://hdcolors.com also contains background information and credits for this video and the original kaleidoscope that I modified and expanded for video animation and the original fractal flame formulas that these images are based on. If you read the comments of these kaleidoscopes, it seems that a large percentage of the viewers are potheads and psychedelic trippers who are doing absolutely no harm to anyone. Just good people relaxing to hypnotic patterns and beautiful colors. I don't want to punish these people or to take away their drugs. I want to help them have a safe and regulated supply that is well tested and labeled and comes complete with a thorough and factual education about effects, side effects and drawbacks. I want them to be more informed consumers of drugs so that that they are more likely to consume safely while remaining SAFE from the authorities. The government is supposed to work for all the citizens, not just the drug-free citizens. It's time to rethink Drug Law Policy in the U.S. and around the world. My playlist has a few videos with discussions and facts supporting the rescheduling of marijuana so that it is no longer a Schedule 1 controlled substance in the U.S. It is clearly safe and has valid medical uses as the evidence in this playlist proves. By definition, Schedule 1 states that a drug has no medical uses. That is patently untruthful with regard to marijuana and undermines the credibility of our government. Our policies should be based on scientific evidence and objective truth, not outdated Drug War propaganda. Outright lying by the government should not be tolerated in any civil society. That is called corruption by any reasonable standards, particularly when it prevents scientific and medical research and ultimately promotes cruel and unusual punishment and needless suffering. See this pending federal legislation in the United States of America, "H.R.5226 - Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014." The legislation is currently before two Congressional Committees, the Committee on Energy and Commerce as well as the Committee on the Judiciary. This pending legislation directly affects the scheduling of marijuana and funding for the global War on Drugs. https://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/5226/text I am using some videos here that CNN produced and is allowing to be shown on third-party YouTube channels with sharing and embedding enabled. These videos detail the medical applications of marijuana, including case studies of how the low-THC high-CBD "Charlotte's Web" strain in Colorado is used to treat seizure disorders. I have these videos on my YouTube channel. I added English closed captions that can be Google Translated into other languages. I thought these videos were factual and that they serve as conclusive evidence that marijuana has accepted medical uses in the United States, which means it should be removed from Schedule 1. Simply redefining marijuana to exclude high-CBD low-THC strains is not enough. High-THC marijuana has accepted medical uses as well, for pain management and PTSD, for example. We should not give Congress a pass on rescheduling marijuana by simply allowing them to play semantic games to keep marijuana on Schedule 1. Charlotte's Web isn't the only kind of medical marijuana. First Congress should reschedule marijuana to Schedule 3, then legalize all high-CBD low-THC strains by redefining it with H.R.5226. They should not pass H.R. 5226 until they've rescheduled marijuana in general. It will be much harder to reschedule if H.R. 5226 is passed first. Here is Sanjay Gupta's newest high tech animation on THC and CBD in the brain, along with an interview with Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania discussing his new landmark bill that would legalize low-THC high-CBD medical marijuana at the Federal level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf-iLBmf8pM&list=PL2sS6bGk1mzHckCSxnUowmBQqlDl0FITo This video is embeddable. Here is CNN's "Weed" documentary in 1920x1080 without ads or commercials or watermarks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrVXRZY1_x0&listPL2sS6bGk1mzHckCSxnUowmBQqlDl0FITo This video is embeddable. Here is CNN's sequel to that, "Weed 2," in 1920x1080 without ads or commercials or watermarks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2qFDb8LExo&list=PL2sS6bGk1mzHckCSxnUowmBQqlDl0FITo This video is embeddable.
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