Beth and Claire at the Office By Maggie Marion Beth: Hi Claire! Claire: Hey Beth! Beth: Your ti / личное

Beth and Claire at the Office
By Maggie Marion
Beth: Hi Claire!
Claire: Hey Beth!
Beth: Your tits look great!	.
Claire- Oh my god. no! I'm not even on my period. W hen	I	m	on	my
period, they are all swollen and they do kinda look great.
Beth: No, I'm telling you they look really great. Have
Beth and Claire at the Office By Maggie Marion Beth: Hi Claire! Claire: Hey Beth! Beth: Your tits look great! . Claire- Oh my god. no! I'm not even on my period. W hen I m on my period, they are all swollen and they do kinda look great. Beth: No, I'm telling you they look really great. Have you figured out the new copy machine? I can t get it to collate. Claire: Get the intern to do it. 1 think she is on her period. Her tits look amazing. Beth: Good idea. Lunch? Claire: I'm lucking my fuck machine at lunch instead eating. I'm on a diet. Beth: I heard skipping meals messes with your metabolism. Just do the paleo thing. That's what I'm doing. Claire: Beth, don't get all preachy about the paleo diet ok? I’ve heard about it enough. Beth: Don’t tell me what to do you shit polyp1 Claire: FUCK YOU. Beth rolls her eyes so hard they get stuck in the back of her head and she starts to scream in pain. Claire pulls out a letter opener and stabs aire in the eye to ease her suffering then she stabs herself. They tab ° ^kf63 t ot^er anc^ on 1° °ne another as they die. Their blood is visible. Their tits and pussies are not.
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Niio Niio 25.09.201421:12 ответить ссылка 0.0
вайтест кидс рулят)
vxd2k7 vxd2k7 25.09.201421:54 ответить ссылка 0.0
а можно перевод, для живущих в США, но не знающих нормально английского.
попроси соседа
vxd2k7 vxd2k7 25.09.201421:54 ответить ссылка 0.1
А можно перевод для незнающих нормально английского, и не живущих в США?
7161 7161 26.09.201411:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
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