♦sitting in class morning class, there will be a fir« drill today at 12:30 meanwhile in «y brain / Прикольные картинки

♦sitting in class
morning class, there will be a fir« drill today at 12:30
meanwhile in «y brain
Good afternoon. General
♦sitting in class morning class, there will be a fir« drill today at 12:30 meanwhile in «y brain OBJECTIVES UPDATED: PRIMARY OBJECTIVE- NO BONERS AT 12:30 SECONDARY OBJECTIVE- RELEASE CURRENT FART UNDETECTED BONUS OBJECTIVE- D0N'T L00* AT THE CLOCK FOR 10 MINUTES Good afternoon. General Brain. Blood pressure normal sir, nothing we can't handle What about you, capillaries? It's awfully close to 12:30,heart. How're we doing on boner alert? Excellent. Anything to report, eyes? Reports indicate that the hot girl has stood up to ask the teacher a question Easy boys, we've dealt with this before. What are the projected erection dimensions, penis? This long, sir! Sir, tvav« thong And even with jeans, we're looking at a rather high bulge! She's wearing yoga pants, sir! Ham, this should be interesting. Eyes! Stat Rep! GOD SAVE US ALL CLASSROOM BONERS 2 CODE RED Batten down the hatches! We've got a Stage 4 Woody on our hands! I repeat. Stage 4 Woody! Sir! Blood pressure is accelerated! 145/90 and rising fast! Get a hold of yourself, heart! I've sent Cortisol to your position, wait for my command! No sign of any disturbance yet, General Sorry, air. But it appears I'm taking this party vertical! Excellent, this uy not be aa bad as we th- For the love of Christ, penis! Hhat For fuck sakes, penis! That's it men, we can do no more1 Everybody fall back to the testicle bunker! Excellent plan, sir! No, eyes. You stay here and report to me WE SIT. AND WE WAIT He's right, boys. It's our duty. Godspeed,sir! Good luck, Mn. To th« uiticUi1 Later, in the testicles What do do now, air? And? She's spotted the penis! Alright men. This is the brain! We're at the party. Give me a sitrep! Good God, no! Hold on! They report she has sent us a "wink" transmission' Good. What about logistics? Supply? Ammunition? All body parts reporting clear, sir. Repeat, we are clear to engage. Ice breakers reporting in sir! Ready to hit em hard and fast! Weather, news and small chat equipped and ready for deployment! We're keeping a close eye on things, sir. So far, no bogeys. Alright, looks like we're good. Keep an eye out for any derpett-- Uh, Command, this is 7-1-2 Whiskey-Crazyhorse. We got a uh.. uh.. You'll want to take a look at this., putting on screen: w » :: « « « « ». i '¿in Command, we are running diagnostic tests but we are pretty., uh pretty sure those are real.. Eyes, recommendations? Command this is Eyes. We are strongly advising avoiding contact with tango. She is out of our league. Noted. Penis, recommendations? WE ARE RECOMMENDING FULL IMMEDIATE, DIRECT AND UNCOMPROMISING INTERVENTION!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AGREED! Repeat, all available personnel to battle stations! Hit'er with everything we got! "SO YOU WANNA FUCK OR WHAT?" "Hey how much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!!!" We got a direct hit! "I guess.." Excellent. Continue the offensive. Soon, her defenses shall fall and we shall be victorious. Men, it has been an honor to serve with you.
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■gD— Ifeed 00:11 Сообщ. Править А к сексу втроём если 2М и 1Ж? А что бы ты ответила если бы предложили . Подумала бы. Смотря с кем Ч_____________ г : 1 А в роли кого я там вам нужна?? Штурмовика блять
Choose your class: ©^а-^-ГЯ Marco Pitruzzella - Brain Drill - Gorification HD,Music,,Marco performing an old Brain Drill song "Gorification" taken from Apocalyptic Feasting (2008 release - Metal Blade Records) 

In this video Marco uses:

Precision Drums:
Snare 13"x3"
Toms 12"x8", 13x9",14"x10",16"x16", 
Bass Drums:

Metal,Metal разное Marco Pitruzzella Brain Drill Gorification барабанщик песочница

Marco Pitruzzella - Brain Drill - Gorification HD,Music,,Marco performing an old Brain Drill song "Gorification" taken from Apocalyptic Feasting (2008 release - Metal Blade Records) In this video Marco uses: Precision Drums: Snare 13"x3" Toms 12"x8", 13x9",14"x10",16"x16", Bass Drums: