камень-ножницы-бумага ))

камень-ножницы-бумага ))
A: Many believe Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) is simply a game l of chance and luck. However, like chess or Super Mario Kart, j RPS is a game of strategy, observation and intelligence, j Here are eight easy steps to winning every time.
Q: HOW DO I WIN ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS & EVERY TIME? A: Many believe Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) is simply a game l of chance and luck. However, like chess or Super Mario Kart, j RPS is a game of strategy, observation and intelligence, j Here are eight easy steps to winning every time. ^HISTORY] The earliest form of Rock. Paper. Scissors was seen in 18th century Japan, called Jan-ken-pon. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS The World Rock Paper Scissors Society sanctions yearly world champonshp competitions. PREVIOUS WINNERS: 2009 TIM CONRAD — 2008 MONICAL MARTINEZ 0 2007 ANDREA FARINA 2006 B06 COOPER * YOUR OPPONENT -ROCK-IT;----------------------------- Males have the tendency to produce rock on their first throw if you are playing against one. trying using paper. 0 TWISTED SCISSOR:---------------------- Expenenced RPS throwers will play on your naivety and throw paper, hoping you throw rock, counter with scissors. DOUBLE ON THE ROCKS*, -------------------- - When you see a two-Rock run. you know your opponents next move will be Scissors or Paper. People hate being predictable and a firm indication of predictability is to come out with the same throw three times in row. Counter with Rock. cS Q? 0 FINGER FINDINGS: - ---------------------- As your opponent prepares to throw, watch his fingers carefully. Fingers will move or tense depending on the form they are about to throw. All fingers are tense All fingers are loose Only the top two fingers are loose [jl SPOCK & ROLL-------------------------- i When m doubt, and all seems lost, go for the Spock It is unexpected and highly illegal, but also impossible to counter 0 COPYCAT: Inexperienced (or flustered) RPS players wil often subconsciously deliver the form that beat their last throw. Counter with the opposite. PAPER PLEASE:------------------ Paper is thrown the least in a match. Use it as an unexpected option. Paper is thrown 29.6% of the time Rock is thrown 35.4% of the time. Scissors are thrown 35% of the time. 0 PREP WORK: Watch your future opponent play others. Do they have a favonte form? Do they maintain a consistent throwing pattern? Counter accordingly. DEFEATED BY:
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ой,да ладно!неужели никто не рубился??


Your scissors Nave evoled Into Rock... Crushing... Device.. i
Prol Prol 11.08.201119:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
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