В день начала выборов (в штате Калифорния), курительные клубы в городе Сан Хосе будут предлагать изб / демократия :: Америка

Америка демократия песочница 
В день начала выборов (в штате Калифорния), курительные клубы в городе Сан Хосе будут предлагать избирателям бесплатную траву
San Jose pot clubs to offer voters free weed on California primary elections day
Jun 02. 2014 at 09:52am 1ST
*0 Follow
California voters can expect to receive free weed from some pot clubs in the Bay Area city of San Jose for casting ballots in state primary elections next
San Jose pot clubs to offer voters free weed on California primary elections day Reuters Jun 02. 2014 at 09:52am 1ST *0 Follow #bUZ2 California voters can expect to receive free weed from some pot clubs in the Bay Area city of San Jose for casting ballots in state primary elections next Tuesday that include local races and battles for governor and secretary of state. The city's cannabis collectives, which have also offered up a voter guide to the races, are offering free marijuana and discounts when members show a ballot stub or an "I Voted" sticker on June 3. "Primary elections tend to have much lower turnout because people don't even know there's a vote that day," said Dave Hodges, a cannabis club owner and member of the Silicon Valley Cannabis Coalition. "We want to help people know when to vote and who to vote for."
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devianse devianse 03.06.201411:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
Ага, отличная мысль осуществлять право выбора будучи одолбанным. Хотя..буш как то и без этого президентом стал.
ну вообще-то там и так легалайз, а рассаду сортовую вырастить чем плохо? не курить ведь растиху.
myrzik87 myrzik87 04.06.201421:06 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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■Mj JazzNeurotic @JazzNeurotic Ken Lee, the judge on the 9th circuit who wrote the majority opinion striking down California's magazine ban, was one of the Roof Koreans. My man Early life and education / 8orn in Seoul, South Korea, Lee came to the U.S. with his parents and three sisters at age
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