уберите репера и будет идеально :: интересное (интересные факты, картинки и истории ) :: машина Голдберга :: история музыки за 90 лет :: музыка

музыка история музыки за 90 лет машина Голдберга интересное песочница уберите репера и будет идеально 

Что примечательно — ролик снят в студии Abbey Road, в том самом месте, где записывались многие эти легендарные музыканты.

A history of recorded music in 90 seconds.,Entertainment,,A 90-second, race through time filmed at London's world-famous Abbey Road studios, Music Remains is a 'Recorded Music Rube Goldberg Machine' that shows music at the heart of the story of one family. For more information visit: http://www.musicremains.org See the making of at: http://youtu.be/AFIn_mcqxS4 MUSIC REMAINS LYRICS What's the one thing that never gets old? Listen how the story unfolds, Yo. You started way before I was born They found a way to record, all the times you performed With a bass and the tom and the kick and a horn That was right until you went and changed form. You finally had a voice, and you spoke the universal lingo Dad loved you, he was involved It was like you were, in the souls of a generation With guitars and and amps and record players. Then he met my mum who loved dancing to you She always told me how she found love through you I remember hearing you around the house Then rap came on, I turned you up loud! With the Adidas shell toes you made us all buy Mum had a heart attack when she looked at the price But that didn't matter, you had us inspired Even made a mix-tape for the girl that I liked. I remember when my uncle died You got us through the worse of the times Stood right by our side in our moment of silence. Then back in our life you would skip on CDs 'til I Finally got an mp3 An iPod eight gig, Every night I would go and update it. I had a sick playlist. Let me just say this. Look at you, you're still beaming No CDs but you're still streaming Years have passed, and nothing's the same but You're the one thing that always remains Music. SONGS FEATURED IN THE VIDEO: 1910s The Oceanna Roll -- Arthur Collins 1930s Sing Sing Sing -- Benny Goodman 1950s Dream Lover -- Bobby Darrin 1960s My Generation -- The Who 1970s Dancing Queen - ABBA 1980s Walk This Way - Run D.M.C. 1990s Yellow - Coldplay Early 2000s Hey Ya! - OutKast Late 2000s Umbrella - Rihanna 2010s Get Lucky - Daft Punk
музыка,история музыки за 90 лет,машина Голдберга,интересное,интересные факты, картинки и истории ,песочница,уберите репера и будет идеально
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только негр мешает
Archeom Archeom 26.03.201412:13 ответить ссылка 0.2
есть немного, а так видос неплохой
Не просто мешает - он нахер херит всю идею.
Valker Valker 26.03.201412:25 ответить ссылка 0.2
Лучше бы мне эти кассеты отдали
Eagle647 Eagle647 06.04.202109:59 ответить ссылка 0.0
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