Save The Badger Badger Badger,Comedy,,Sign the petition and find out more about The Cull ► ht / Легкая наркомания :: грибы :: budgers

budgers Легкая наркомания грибы песочница 

Save The Badger Badger Badger,Comedy,,Sign the petition and find out more about The Cull ► Get the tune on iTunes here ► SUBSCRIBE for more Weebl ► Made with Brian May of Queen fame (He's pretty good on guitar you know) and the very loud, Brian Blessed of Flash Gordon and shouting fame. This is probably the most amazing thing I've ever been involved in and it's for a great cause too. WHAT IS THIS? --------------------- The UK Government want to kill badgers. Lots of them. I like badgers. I like Badger Badger Badgers. Of course I do, they're awesome. If you're in the UK then you can help stop this. FIND MORE WEEBL!! Visit Weebl's STORE ► Follow Weebl on Twitter ► LIKE Weebl's Stuff on Facebook ► If you like what we're doing then check out our website for GAMES and MORE: ► WHAT IS WEEBL's STUFF? Animations, sketches and songs by the Mr Weebl and the Weebl's Stuff Team. You can also buy the music for the animations on iTunes, Amazon and Bandcamp. If you like what you've watched then please subscribe. ** FAQ ** Q: What do you use to animate?A: Mostly Flash and a bit of After Effects. Q How do you make your music?A: Reason/Record by Propellerheads. Melodyne by Celemony. Cubase (rarely) by Steinberg. I also use Adobe Audition for voice editing and a SE2200a mic.
budgers,Легкая наркомания,грибы,песочница
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