ASMR Whisper Visualization: Twilight Forest,Entertainment,,Hi everyone! I have finally gotten / личное :: VeniVidiVulpes :: ASMR (Автономная сенсорная меридиональная реакция) :: anon

ASMR личное VeniVidiVulpes anon 

ASMR Whisper Visualization: Twilight Forest,Entertainment,,Hi everyone! I have finally gotten around to making a proper ear-to-ear whisper video, as so many of you requested. The beginning is soft spoken, but after a short intro I move on to whispering. This video consists of two visualization segments: a candle meditation designed to help you release tension followed by a relaxing walk through a mountain forest at dusk. I really hope you enjoy! *Super huge thanks to GamesoupUK and jergen07 for suggesting that I compress my videos before uploading. (Duh!) I'm not really so tech savvy, so this hadn't even occurred to me before. It has made uploading to YouTube a thousand times easier. I can't thank you guys enough for kindly pointing out my boneheadness. ;) *Since this is my first attempt at making a video like this, I would really appreciate your feedback! I know the volume levels are a bit off in some places, but honestly after hours and hours of recording, and then hours and hours of editing piecing this thing together line by line, I just couldn't bring myself to go back and redo those parts, so this is what you get. If you have any suggestions for how I could improve future whisper or visualization videos, don't hesitate to comment (politely) below. :)
ASMR,Автономная сенсорная меридиональная реакция,личное,VeniVidiVulpes,anon
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I wanted to get around to doing some requests first, but today I was

ASMR,Автономная сенсорная меридиональная реакция кролик живность Няшность,Ня релаксация личное VeniVidiVulpes

Whisper Reading: The Velveteen Rabbit,Entertainment,,Massaging my bunny and reading Margery Williams's The Velveteen Rabbit. Relaxing hands, some sounds of pages turning, and the "staticy" sound of me petting the rabbit's fur. I wanted to get around to doing some requests first, but today I was