September First. The day of the moribund summer, j Edgar hightailed to school. Art: Zengei and fh / Zengel :: furry комиксы (furry comics) :: Iskra :: furry (фурри) :: фэндомы

Zengel furry комиксы ...furry фэндомы 
September First. The day of the moribund summer, j Edgar hightailed to school. Art: Zengei and fhaKumi £tory: FV^engei,furry,фурри,фэндомы,Iskra,furry комиксы,furry comics,Zengel
I Art: 2-engei - Hi! - he greeted her cheerfully. - HK - she replied surprisingly, noting that Edgar's garments were heavily soiled. 2 Story: Fv^engei,furry,фурри,фэндомы,Iskra,furry комиксы,furry comics,Zengel
Hey isKra! Can you just imagine! -1 was walKing down the street without bothering anyone, -Edgar started his story on the word. I j, _ -And suddenly - boom'-they attacKed me! ^ 8 Art: Zengei and Aiex£ar £tory: FVZengei,furry,фурри,фэндомы,Iskra,furry комиксы,furry comics,Zengel
I Art: zengei Huh?'What? 4 Çtory-. FVZengei,furry,фурри,фэндомы,Iskra,furry комиксы,furry comics,Zengel

September First. The day of the moribund summer, j Edgar hightailed to school. Art: Zengei and fhaKumi £tory: FV^engei
I Art: 2-engei - Hi! - he greeted her cheerfully. - HK - she replied surprisingly, noting that Edgar's garments were heavily soiled. 2 Story: Fv^engei
Hey isKra! Can you just imagine! -1 was walKing down the street without bothering anyone, -Edgar started his story on the word. I j, _ -And suddenly - boom'-they attacKed me! ^ 8 Art: Zengei and Aiex£ar £tory: FVZengei
I Art: zengei Huh?'What? 4 Çtory-. FVZengei
furry,фурри,фэндомы,Iskra,furry комиксы,furry comics,Zengel
Еще на тему
Искра такая лапушка ^_^
Джея Нейлора на них нет.
Как была искра истеричной шлюхой раньше так и осталась.
Можно ссыль на автора ??
Oborotni Oborotni 15.11.201413:42 ответить ссылка 0.0
Автор , молодец ! Всё красиво и со вкусом .
Oborotni Oborotni 12.04.201507:19 ответить ссылка 0.0
Oborotni Oborotni 26.05.201506:54 ответить ссылка 0.0
-Maybe he's in the janitors closet?
-Are you stupid? The latch is closed from the outside. -£o what, lets checK anyway.
-Yeah and maybe we should checK all the toilet tanks, cause he could be hiding there as well, hai
Oborotni Oborotni 26.05.201506:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
A couple of minutes past without the slightest sound from outside.
The cat gently pushed the door open, a barely audible wood on wood whisper and the hardly distinguishable creaKing of hinges enveloped him in a silence that sounded liKe thunder.
Goosebumps ran along the nape of his necK, and
Oborotni Oborotni 26.05.201506:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
Silence. goft. absolute, frightening silence. The feeling of being wrapped from bead to toe In a tblCK layer of cotton wool. paCKed tigbtiy and put on a sbeif In a sealed vault.
As for tbe ligbt. a relatively bright autumn day in the sun with a perfect azure sKy bad suddenly changed to a painful
Oborotni Oborotni 28.05.201523:44 ответить ссылка 0.0
He jumped up and ran towards home, he must set home?
ftttÿv.wv yxXrtoa com a«ag«l
Oborotni Oborotni 28.05.201523:45 ответить ссылка 0.0
Oborotni Oborotni 28.05.201523:45 ответить ссылка 0.0
With what effort he had left Edgar ran up the stairs to the door of his apartment.
A mixture of relief and panic are felt as he nears the finish line, hoping that his mother is home
Oborotni Oborotni 28.05.201523:45 ответить ссылка 0.0
есть этот комикс но на русском?
Хороший комикс, но у персонажей здесь значки в виде ромбиков, а в другой версии они были в виде звёздочек.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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