THE EVOLUTION OF THE GEEK a n When one hears the word geek, images axe ccnjujed of pocket pr / эволюция :: geek (Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор)

geek эволюция 
When one hears the word geek, images axe ccnjujed of pocket protectors and nigfrtstands madr с«л of old comic book* That old nobon Ы geek dom has srncc evdved into a new. tedi savy. aixl dare we wycodgertL

Tlie term "geek" finds its origins in the 15005. when
THE EVOLUTION OF THE GEEK a n When one hears the word geek, images axe ccnjujed of pocket protectors and nigfrtstands madr с«л of old comic book* That old nobon Ы geek dom has srncc evdved into a new. tedi savy. aixl dare we wycodgertL GECKEN Tlie term "geek" finds its origins in the 15005. when it meant мтл'пг who was romadcrrd a foal. tt is also thought to have ; come from the wend, 'gecken*. used in 18th century Austna Hungary to refer to circus perfee mers whose acts incXided biting the head off of a live chicken COMPUTER GEEKUS PRIME It was not until tl>e 1950» that the icon 'geek" became associated with thcee who were passionate cr obsessed with technology, or specAc subcultures. % Includes: History geeks, Science geeks and Math geefcs^ m fl BOOK GEEK M GEEK _ INTERNET GEEK Internet geeks became widely papular during the 90s dot-com boom This group includes programmers, web site builders and LOT speakers. STEVE URKEL UBERGEEK POLITICS GEEK Includes Mott fantasy book greks like I furry Pttter. Twilight. Narnia and lord of the Rings. POP CULTURE GEEK l>L'X(»EONSfc DRAGONS GEEK COMIC BOOK GEEK OTA К U GEEK a An otaku or anime j л derivative of the classic comic book geek, these greks may also oftentimes be considered Tapanophiles*. TECH GEEK These geeks became prevalent starting in 2004.ob»»ed with the ever expanding collection of Apple products, inventing social networks and Hogging GEEK Includes Sci-П geeks. Horror geeks. Zombie geeks» Taranbno geeks and Rodcy Hcrrcr geeks MUSIC GEEK Mus>r grcks spociahze in binds and genres of musk new heard of before, as Swedish fugal opera WORLD OF WARCRAFT GEEK Includes Starcraft geeks, SIM5 geeks and mow other ММСКРГд geeks VIDEOGAME ^ GEEK ж д л STAR WARS STAR TREK GEEK GEEK FOOD GEEK DESIGN GEEK w I я IL m THEATRE GEEK 1 * CATS FANTASY ГООТВАИ GEEK ^KCHICVARIATS A NEW DEFINITION tn the рей. bein^ d^enbed as a geek was considered an insult, fee it reflected a certain manner of axial skills or status Tbd*% it is used to describe scmeooe impassioned or obsessed by a particular area or interest Thts rcclamancn of has even gooe so far as to filter into commerce, with tlie ever-popular "Geek Squad' from Best Buy. GEEK CHIC At the beginning of the 21st century: a new trend embraced the aer««yp*cal qualifies of a geek. This кюк became especially popular amongst hitters, who debghtcd in the irony of a hip geek aesthetic GLEE GEEK SCMtCtS DKmCWARYCOM USA TODAY wmmcoM л Flowtown
geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,эволюция
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/\авным-давно, яблони выстреливали яблоками в случайных направлениях. Только те яблоки, которые падали вниз, давали "потомство". Таким образом, после миллионов лет естественного отбора и эволюции, появилась гравитация.

geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор наука физика биология эволюция Перевод

ФИЗИКА ГЛАЗАМИ ЪИОЛОГОЪ О /\авным-давно, яблони выстреливали яблоками в случайных направлениях. Только те яблоки, которые падали вниз, давали "потомство". Таким образом, после миллионов лет естественного отбора и эволюции, появилась гравитация.
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Uploaded by Soulchip.

geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор game evolution песочница

Video Games - MUSCLEBEAVER,Games,Video,Games,MUSCLEBEAVER,Super,Mario,Bross,Doom,Monkey,Island,Guybrush,Threepwood,three,head,Le,chuck,Lara,Croft,Tomb,Raider,sex,orgasm,leg,humping,pong,pac,man,porn,space,invaders,chainsaw,///A Film directed and animated by MUSCLEBEAVER/// Uploaded by Soulchip.