Hou I Pixel »disclaimer: this is in no way the only way you can pixel, or things you must do when / Арт-клуб (арт-клуб, артклуб,) :: личное :: Пиксель Арт :: уроки рисования :: разное

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Hou I Pixel
»disclaimer: this is in no way the only way you can pixel, or things you must do when you pixel, this is simply how [ pixel. [ am not an expert.
setting up the pixel:
[ start with a sketch with a regular brush, regular brushes are better to sketch with, as pixel sketches can be
Hou I Pixel »disclaimer: this is in no way the only way you can pixel, or things you must do when you pixel, this is simply how [ pixel. [ am not an expert. setting up the pixel: [ start with a sketch with a regular brush, regular brushes are better to sketch with, as pixel sketches can be bulky and hard to work with. & &> i\ O-J ■' resize your sketch to fit your 100x58 (or in regular cases 50x50) pixel, the image aboue was a 200x100 c a n u a s. the line going through the image to the top right is what’s called a qrid. you can set those by going to uiew > new guide, then set your pixel amount (50 px uertical). this is used for together icons so you can see your seperate pieces. this isn’t really a thing that you must do to pixel, but [ always set my opacity lower, it helps me see the black outline better. ( usually anything under 5 0^. will work c: ) hance Layer Select Filter View New Window for Untitled-3 cJ 9 Zoom In Ctrl+= Zoom Out Ctrl-t- Fit on Screen Ctrl+O O Actual Pixels Ctrl+1 Print Size Selection Ctrl+H Rulers Shift+Ctrl+R we’re almost there.1 the next step is to create a thumbnail so you don’t haue to continuously zoom out to see how you are doing, just go to uiew > new window for -namehere-. then a new window will come out as a thumbnail.1 :D note: zooming in and out of your drawing file will zoom in and out of your thumbnail as well. [ don’t know how to make this not happen, sorry» pixelling tine? ✓ f Brush Tool B * S Impressionist Brush B * // Coior Replacement Tool B > " / PenciTool N now we can start pixelling.1 just change to the pixel tool by right clicking on the brush tool and selecting the pencil tool. the next step is pixelling the outline.1 just try not to make your pixel look smooth, try not to haue many jagged edges, and really focus on your pixel. O O here’s an example of jagged and smooth, see how the top one is much more blacky than the bottom one? that’s because the bottom one was ridden of corners» now delete that sketch layer, we’re ready to color.» C: look at how great your pixel is? take the time now to fix up anything, as it will be a pain to change later. color that sucker in.» :D make sure to make the markings look nice, and beware: a design with too many markings makes a cluttered pixel, sometimes you may need to simplify a design when pixelling. Shading and Whatnot ! there are lots of ways to shade.» [ can’t really tell you how to shade, [ can only show you different ways c: here you go.» tip: NEUEfi shade with black, try red/blue/brawn; they look really nice.» also, try setting the layer to ‘multiply’, that makes it look nice too.» regular shading: just opening a new layer and shading will work, here’s what it looks like.» [ used blue to shade this one. cell shading: erasing away the shading.» just make a new layer and color the whole thing, then erase where the light comes in» [ used brown to shade this. Styling Vour Pixel? some people may be finished with just the aboue pixel, but not me.» [ like to make my pixels unique, or add some style / a personal touch to them.» C: there are many different ways to style a pixel. [’11 show you a few? pokemon style: making your pixel look like a pokemon sprite.» just color the outline a darker color of the base, and where shadows are you color black. colorful outline: you can simply color your outline and be done.» :D sometimes this style looks great, sometimes it doesn’t, it depends on the character really. black border: outlining your pixel in black looks pretty nice sometimes» though, wheneuer you haue a dark pixel, it’s not uery noticeable :C backgrounds: adding little background to your pixels is always cute too :D just try not to do too dark a barkground, because it’ll look awkward with it. outline/glow: outlining your pixel looks cute too.» just make sure the outline matches your colors. (* most people do a white outline. [ haue a white background so [ used blue xD) shadow effect: if you make a white border, duplicate the layer, color your second layer grey, moue it ouer a pixel and put the white border on top, it makes a great shadow effect.» and that’s about all that [ can think of at the moment c: [ hope this walkthrough helped you out with your future pixel aduenturesi
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